
Archive for November, 2009

how to take a family picture…

or how NOT to take one, take your pick. i recently found out that my mother in law has requested a picture of me and the boys. sounds simple enough, and like a pretty cool idea. this past thanksgiving i thought, hey i have 7 other people here, all of which can push a button, perhaps we could get a great shot for Elaine. that being said, i joined the boys on the couch and asked my aunt to take our picture. simple yes?

wrong. there was a conspiracy with the two of them to give me the GREAT TURKEY DAY TICKLE which of course had to start right then and there.

this is me telling nick that i WILL break all of his fingers if he didnt cut it out, notice kevin almost trying to hide…

this is kevin taking my side…

this one would be great, if i were not posing like a belly dancer. thank you nick for trying to put bunny ears behind my head…

i have no idea what was up with nick this time…

Epic Fail! the ipod, the football, the food, all too much distraction for just one good picture. i am sorry Elaine, i will try again soon!

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today i am thankful that i took a chance three years ago and invited someone that i had just met to thanksgiving with my family. now we get to spend every thanksgiving together as husband and wife, with a wonderful son, and wonderful, generous family!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

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calling all marthas…

in case anyone hadn’t noticed…its thanksgiving. i have no explanation as to how we got here so fast, but i have decided to embrace it and enjoy it and perhaps become a culinary goddess and amaze my family.  i have noticed an urge within myself over the past few months, the urge to cook, and not cook hamburgers or pasta, but to create something of a masterpiece that dances on your tongue and combines all of the most wonderful tastes in every bite. i spent over an hour at the bookstore a few weeks ago pouring over cookbooks looking for the right combination of easy, tasteful, and somewhat challenging recipes. i thought i had finally settled on one, got it home, eagerly looking forward to going grocery shopping so i could start creating my masterpiece…

i flipped through it for a while, and then realized that NONE of those recipes were what i was looking for. i actually took the cookbook back to the store and began to feel a bit defeated. i found a magazine that had lots of pictures and rather simple instructions and thought, perhaps? minus the amount of trees that were killed for said magazine (that is always kevins concern by the way) i found a french onion soup recipe, and i made that, and it turned out, actually pretty good.

so now i have a victory in the cooking column, and i crave more. i told my mom i would bring some appetizers for thanksgiving, i dont want to cop-out and just do shrimp cocktail (not that there is anything wrong with that) but my magic magazine does not seem to have the right appetizer recipes…i am kinda at a loss…any suggestions?

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inspired by the lovely mandy

sometimes i fantasize about living in a house, with a yard, and three stories for my family and of course for the dog…

sometimes i wonder if i am pursuing the right graduate degree knowing that it will most likely not be able to afford the three-story house when i actually get to use it…

sometimes i get butterflies in my stomach when i imagine using the graduate degree for what i want to do, i have always envied people who have a job in the their field of choice…

sometimes i blare limp bizkit really loud and scream along while driving down the street i know people see me…

sometimes i wonder what those people think, but i dont really care which makes me wonder when in my life did i find out its okay to not care what people think about you…

sometimes i get really homesick for kalamazoo, i have no family there just some friends and lots of memories that i want to share with kevin, like he shares his memories of newington with me…

sometimes during the fall i get an urge or almost an ache to go horseback riding, to just be outside with the sun and deep blue sky, with all the leaves and their vibrant colors, and the crisp air tinted with the smell of saddle leather, that would be perfect…

sometimes i want to cry when the sun starts to set at 3pm…

sometimes i complain about how early christmas music is playing at various places…for example at the bank yesterday, but i did find myself thinking that i could put new christmas music on my ipod and listen to it with my headphones, then no one would know…

sometimes i really do hate how early christmas crap gets put up, growing up there was no mention of christmas until after my sisters birthday…it only took 20 years of my life to realize that is not the norm, i would like to thank my experience in retail for that…

sometimes i wonder if i was actually born a yankees fan, but because of my dads strong dislike (much to his mothers disappointment) i convinced myself that i was NOT a yankees fan, but really i was/am and it is all because of fate, consider the evidence 1978 the year i was born=championship, 2009 the year we got married=championship, 2000 the year i graduated=championship, coincidence?

sometimes i wish i could sit with my grandmother during championship games merely to watch her pray her rosary beads for the yankees victory, i am sure that they may have been worn down a bit this past series…

happy thursday!!

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