
Archive for October, 2010

ten on tuesday…

for OCTOBER!! hello? does anyone else think this year is going WAY TOO FAST? so i really like these questions for the weekly installment of ten on tuesday brought to us by the lovely Roots and Rings! and although i am a bit sporadic in posting, i have the time, the desire, and hopefully the wit to answer these questions to the best of my ability…

1. What keeps you up at night? (figuratively)- worrying, i worry about everything from the little squirrel that i almost hit (or did, not really sure) on the way to work this morning, to the state of the economy, to how on earth things are going to turn out…

2. What keeps you up at night? (literally)- lack of blanket, a certain someone who shall remain nameless sleep yelling at me, bruised shins, pacing dogs, pacing upstairs neighbors, sirens, snoring, potty breaks, looming homework deadlines, oh, and the most recent touch of typhus…

3. Where do you want to go in life? (figuratively)- anywhere where i have made a difference in at least one persons life…

4. Where do you want to go in life? (literally)- Any where over seas. i have the passport, just need to use it!

5.  Have you ever bit off more than you could chew?(figuratively)- does working third shift full-time while taking 20 credit hours my senior year of college count? i would say so considering the amount of time it took to recover from that little experiment…

6. Have you ever bit off more than you could chew? (literally)- of course, its easy to do when you have a small stomach, most recently it was a super fancy dinner kevin and i were at for our anniversary, way too much steak, but ooohhh so very good!

7. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (figuratively)- it always is until you get to the other side…

8. Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence? (literally)- nope, same scorched patches as on my side…

9. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (figuratively)- nah, i am the naive type who doesn’t understand the heat in the first place…

10. If you can’t stand the heat, do you get out of the kitchen? (literally)– yup and run directly to the fire extinguisher…

Happy Tuesday!! Happy Ocotober!!! just a few more months and grad school will be done!!!

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