
Archive for the ‘friends’ Category

it feels like it was just friday, i realize that this week was no shorter than last week, but still where did the week go? and when is the sun going to come out? seriously i am going to build an ark although it may have a few more modern accommodations than the one noah built, just saying! should be a nice relaxing weekend, maybe go and spend some time with my dad who incidentally has been sending pictures of dress to my sister-who happened to suggest a cow limo for the wedding, she has a thing for cows. and although she said she would pay for it, i told her i wouldn’t want her to spend that kind of money on me and really, cows were her thing.

she called me the other night while she was looking at them and said it was just gorgeous and what not and then mid conversation she starts laughing hysterically-tear inducing laughing. because i wasn’t in the same room with her i began to question what was so funny. after about a minute of laughing she goes “i love our dad” my response was “yeah he is a great guy” she snorted then began to describe what he had just sent her. apparently dad is savvy with photo-shop because she got a third picture of the dress only this time it was covered in cow print. that dad is a funny man! of course i find this out after i send him some sappy you’re the best fathers day card when i really wanted to send him some sarcastic ‘hey at least i am not asking for anything this time…’ type card.

and while i was on facebook the other day i got an email from my bestest friend mags in michigan. we have been friends since freshman year of college, lived together ect. she moved to kazoo after graduation for her job and i moved back a few months later, we just complimented each other perfectly, when i moved to ct she was the last person i saw in kazoo, i made it back for her wedding and finally after four years she came out here. when i picked her up at the airport i had tears in my eyes because i couldn’t believe she was really here and after all that time of not being together-it was exactly the same. i got an email from her the other night that said she didn’t realize how much she missed just hanging out-which gave me goosebumps and another tear in my eye. mags is the best and here we are after a weekend of boston, baseball games, and dave matthews:


and one of my favorite questions, one we always were asked in college and happened every time out here as well was “is this your sister?” even mary thinks there is a resemblence.

Happy Weekend!

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so i found a list of little things on another website and it was titled GiST. i did a little digging to find that stood for Grace In Small Things. i think it is a great idea and figured it would be good to have those things in writing.

1. the baby robins outside my co-workers window are thriving, they have their eyes open and more feathers.

2. the weather is becoming absolutely gorgeous and there is a prospect of sitting at nicks game tomorrow night not in the rain.

3. nick made the travel team he tried out for which means lots of baseball for the next couple of months-i couldn’t be prouder that he pulled it off!

4. in just over a week, my best friend from college will be here, the east coast, at my house. then we will go to see dave at fenway. i CANNOT wait!

5. there were nice people at the laundry mat who held the door for me when i was carrying in insane amounts of laundry.

6. hobbes because, well he is just so damn cute

7. falling asleep next to kevin while listening to the game on the radio

8. having a sense of security

9. knowing my sister will be just fine even though she did tell the state of new jersey to go suck it! i am so proud of her!

10. support from my family for anything we do

Happy Hump Day!

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its the month of may and this month my magnificent friend maggie is making her way from michigan to visit me! she has never been to the east coast and we are going to see dave at fenway!

my classes are done, the papers turned in excuse me while i pat myself on the back on the back…

now its on to marriage plans, it may be sooner than later!

here is mags and me at my friend rachels wedding…we both look a bit different now! HPIM0311

and as a p.s please send bad ju-ju vibes to the state of new jersey…they are royally screwing my marvelous sister mary!

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to the only woman who could wear leather pants to work and make it look good:


you were so brave and strong, and taught me so much,


i know you are in a better place now, no more pain, but it sucks for us. i will never forget when i though you were loosing it because you smelled the decomposing mouse in the office and i did not. i will always remember you when i see tulips or on valentines day, or every day when i wear my bracelet that you gave me because you said “i wanted you to have a piece of me.” rest in peace suzanne, you will always have a special place in my heart…

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my love hate relationship…

with facebook. part of me thinks it is great to see all these people that i used to go to school with, or worked with, or havent technically met. but the other part of me wants nothing to do with it. i have been in a mopey mood all day and i think i just figured out why. facebook did it! so far i have friends from college (mostly sorority sisters) my family and current and past co-workers oh and a few bloggy friends. but last night someone friended me who i never thought would a.)have a facebook page and b.) post pictures. at first i was really excited to see her, then i looked at her pictures and saw her trip to the east coast, with two of my closest friends whom i haven’t seen in over two years. they were in new jersey, i am in connecticut. and that is where and when i really started to get blue. i have tried so hard to keep in contact with everyone i left behind, but we all get busy in our lives. so here i am, in connecticut, engaged to the most wonderful man in the world, and i have no friends to share with. not meaning i have no friends, i have met some of the greatest people in my various jobs during the past five years. fantastic people that i consider great friends, but they are not the friends “that knew you when…” i look at all types of different wedding sites trying to get an idea for ours, and i see all the bridesmaids, in my mind, the bridesmaids are life long friends, the ones you made in high school and college who have been through thick and thin. i had that at one time but that was the same time i was convinced i was NEVER getting married. clearly things change. i do not even know if it is right or wrong to invite or not invite all these people from my past, they were so important and i miss them dearly and i have no idea what to do. after a few tears last night kevin asked me if i wanted him to write to all of them and tell them how upset i was , what a great guy! so facebook, at times you can be like crack and at times you just make me sad.

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what the underside of I95 looks like…

and this is my fearless man acting in the navigator capacity…

that was taken before we ventured out into the sound and he got SOAKED! a coworker of kevin just got his first boat, we motored down the river and moored in old saybrook and had an amazing brunch, the red bliss potato’s are to die for, did i mention this brunch was amazing!

i have to give myself a pat on the back, being on the water all day, not a cloud in the sky, i did not get one bit of sun burn, my nuetrogena spray stuff that is like spf 70, works, which is good because wearing this:

really would have been major hurt the next day! and no that is not my hunch back growing, i think its my shoulder blade, which for a long time i never even knew it stuck out like that! we had a gorgeous day, with really good company and like i said before amazing food! what a great way to kick off the summer!

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whoo hoo! so a little update on nicks upper lip, other than the fact that he looks a little like hitler, he will be just fine. apperently at practice last night he was scared of any ball that came within two feet of him, but tonight we took him to the batting cages and he hit really good and didnt seem to be scared. hopefully we have beaten the scaredness of the ball and he will be able to not think about being hit tomorrow during his game. we shall see! i guess a good sign of healing is the fact that he now wants to pick the scab, i try to tell him that is not the way to go and if he did he would end up with a permanant hitler scar, although i am not totally sure if he knows who hitler is. but me being the history nerd could totally educate him!

so my good friend mags sent me this and i thought it was pretty fun:

Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here’s what you’re supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Copy this entire email and paste into a new email that you can send, change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times (that means you have lots of friends).

1. What is your occupation? registration assistant
2. What color are your socks right now? none, its after april 1st!

3. What are you listening to right now? all of my days by alexi murdoch
4. What was the last thing that you ate? steamed broccoli, yumm
5.Can you drive a stick shift? no, and i have tried, however i have a tendency to break them
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mary!!

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Love her!
9. How old are you today? i dont age, i am timelss…hummm

10. Favorite drink? johnathan edwards cabernet franc… 
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? baseball, football, hockey, and horse racing.. could be a triple crown!
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? many many times and ps. i love your hair mags!
13. Pets? hobbes and a 12 year old (does that count)
14. Favorite food? ohhh thats tough…i would have to go with lobster or anything that needs garlic and butter.
15. Last movie you watched? alien vs predetor (i fell asleep at the beginning) so P.S i love you… tear jerker
16. Favorite Day of the year? christmas eve
17. What do you do to vent anger? listen to music very very loud 

18. What was your favorite toy as a child? my barbie horses, or my softball glove, or my little ponies. my sister and i beds that were intergral in our “gymnastic” performances

19. What is your favorite season? Fall had to copy mags on that one

20. HUGS OR KISSES? both please

21. Cherry or Blueberry? fresh cherries complete with pits…can you tie a knot with the stem using only your tongue?
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? i would certainly enjoy the break
23. Who is most likely to respond? racheal
24. Who is least likely to respond? mary-she is very important in the prison business…

25. What happened to Ricky Martin? the crazy hip guy with fake hair? yeah dont miss him
26. When was the last time you cried? day of the kentucky derby…rip eight bells
27. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes and hobbes hair

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? mags/mary (but shes family)
29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? i guess rach

30. Favorite smells? kevins cologne… makes me melt/feel safe, or the smell of barns

31. Who inspires you?  ugly jen and everything that she went through, so anything that resembles me 2004 or previous

32. What are you afraid of? loosing those closest to me

33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? cheese please

34. Favorite car? mustang gt

35. Favorite cat breed? dead…just kidding, something calico with six toes i guess

36. Number of keys on your key ring? 4
37. How many years at your current job? almost a year…i do miss the seaport

38. Favorite day of the week? friday!!!

39. How many states have you lived in? 3
40. Do you think you’re funny? not at all, maybe a little sarcastic

so duh, this was an email, but i thought it would be fun to put in here,now if only wordpress wouldnt suck so  much and not let me put in the photos to go along with the answers!


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cause for concern,

my dear dear friend mags. the first time i met mags was second semester freshman year of college. i had just had my tonsils out and she had just transferred from a community college in chicago. i was making my rounds of the fourth floor, when amanda and i went to see sarah and her new roommate. they were both unpacking their things and moving the furniture around. just as sarah said hi to me and started to introduce me to mags, mags started jumping around the room screeching. she had just found a pregnancy test from the previous tenant. used mind you. it hurt for me to smile let alone screech but that was when i met mags. from that point on we were pretty much attached at the hip. we both had a love for dave matthews, she was impressed that i knew all the words to “ants marching.” i was impressed with her amazing red hair! her family was practically off the boat irish immigrants from chicago, the one thing that made me doubt it for just a minute was that her dad was not a cop (but have no fear, her sister works for the fire department). that first semester was a difficult one, but through it all i had mags and she had me, and we were able to make it work. that summer we both went home, me to kalamazoo and her to chicago but we kept in touch with incredibly long phone calls and lots of letters, remember those? i could not get back to school fast enough and sophomore year we were roommates. we lived through the wrath that was molly giddly, the nazi ra. and manged good grades and the ability to rely solely on each other, whether it was monitoring the use of the bathroom when the water main broke or how to remove puffy paint from the desks (if anyone is curious, we just stripped the desks and refinished them-we also spackled and then repainted the closet door because of all the holes from the dart board) mags went home again that summer, but i stayed near school. that summer was our first dave concert and a great “sorority retreat” and i use the term retreat very loosely. junior year was a blur because we had both declared majors. senior year we rented a house. when we graduated, we had certainly made a mark and were so ready for so much more. mags was a bio major and wanted to “play” with big cats, instead she met tony at a factory job she had landed from a temp service. he was nice and clearly doted on her from the beginning. they started dating, then mags got a job in kalamazoo. she moved out in feb or march i don’t remember, i was going through some crazy crap at the time and really could not handle any type of change, but all through that and beyond it, mags kept me together. shortly after i moved back to kalamazoo and we were able to spend more time together, still tony was in the picture. he was fun to hang out with, but at this point he had stopped working and showed no ambition to work again. his main source of income was his mother (more on her later) and trading various car parts. he had practically moved in with mags and exposed his patterns. a year or so later mags finds out he is a dad, something he denied until he was forced to take a paternity test. i was with mags that night, she was devastated, and drunk. very. very drunk. another year goes by and tony has not changed, but they had moved into a bigger house. mags knew they would get married, just not sure when, and always had a nagging feeling in her gut that she didn’t really share, she didn’t have to with me. i ended up moving out to ct. i knew mags and i would still keep in contact, we had before, but something changed. she would still say how things were going, but she seemed to try to keep the relationship conversations very short and not at all detailed. i found out she was engaged by an email she sent to her whole address book, and to make matters worse her story about the engagement left a lot to the imagination. she said that tony just handed her the ring, she had to make him ask the question. i was still hurt that i had to find out from an email. they were engaged for a long time and the wedding plans ran the gamut from getting married in the church maggie grew up in (for the record tony would not step foot in a church and his mother couldn’t possibly travel all the way to chicago) to getting married on a beach on lake michigan. mags asked me to be the maid of honor and any one of those choices would have been fine, but i always told her not to sell herself short, she deserved to walk down and aisle and wear a beautiful dress. they settled on getting married at the house that mags grew up in, her parents were going to sell it, the house had been in the family since her father was a child. they set a date and made the right plans. i had my plane ticket out there. a small side step, i was supposed to go to the wedding with my ex boyfriend, two nights before we were to get on a plane he looked at me and said he didn’t love me. i needed mags as much as she needed me. that little tidbit made me not the best brides maid. the ceremony was presided over by a justice of the peace, mags mom had forced mags to wear a white dress and it was just family and close friends. well mags’ family and close friends, tonys overbearing mom and step dad and tonys kid were there. tonys mom i think had been dreaming of this day for years! considering she had every single tacky wedding kitsch ever invented and some that i think she made herself. mags didn’t pick colors, or what flowers she wanted, the cake cutter was this plastic (i hate to say it) white trash monstrosity complete with fake babys breath accents and pens that when you clicked them they said “i do” and various other wedding related lines, but most of them were malfunctioning and would get stuck in between phrases. it was a nice setting, very small and it was great to see her family, but i was probably a bad drunk at some point in the evening, i think it was when tonys mom had to go to the hospital for some “illness” and i may or may not have said something along the lines of well that doesn’t surprise me, how on earth could she go an entire day without being the center of attention. whoops. that was two years ago. i haven’t heard as much from mags, she is working like a dog, of course, she pays all the bills, the mortgage is in her name and who knows how many other things. i think tonys disability check still goes to his mom. is that weird? we would still keep in touch, talk once every other month but not nearly as much as before. then last weekend i saw a missed call from mags. she never calls at that time of night and didn’t leave a message, i grew concerned that something had happened to her parents. that family has known its fair share of tragedy, mags closest bother died before i met her when he was only 30 or so, then the next oldest brother died of a drug overdose. i sent her a quick email the next day saying hi and hoping all is well. she sent me back an email that i was stunned to get. in a nut shell she said all of the things she thought she could just live with tony are starting to turn out that she can’t, she wants to leave but is scared to make a huge mistake. after i picked my jaw up off the desk i just emailed her back that whatever she does i will support he 100% and that i loved her. this is one of those huge life altering events that i feel i need to be there for her and i am not. i got to talk to her on saturday and it was the depressed mags from the nights when she was talking about her brother, but something was different, i think it was she is in a place that she does not want to be in. part of me feels so bad for her and another part of me realized that i am in a great place right now. maybe i should just bring her out here. she said she was 95% ready to walk out the door, but then she also said it is so much easier to talk that way when tony is not right in front of her. there is nothing i can do, but wait for her to call. she has always been there for me and i will always be there for her. it is just crazy to think that we are now at this age… well she is a few years older than me… but still this is all very adult.

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oh what an afternoon! i have refrenced my hate for lying before and yet it continues on and on. we picked up the boy from his grandfathers this afternoon, and when we got home, dustins mom came out in the hall way. apperntly when she was in 7 eleven with dustin, a woman came up to her and said “oh is this your son, well he and his friend (ahem NICK) have been mooning everyone on willard ave” oh and by the way the other one, not dustin, has been seen peeing in front of the apartment building” REally? nick was slightly behind us at this point and didnt hear what was being said, she added that nick was exposing himself out his bedroom window to dustin as well. not sure about that last part. so kevin confronted nick about it, and he lied right to his face. now i was proud of kevin for not blowing up, he very calmly told nick that lying is not acceptable and that this split personality thing has got to stop. we know that nick wants to act one way around us, the way we expect him to, but then he goes to school or his moms and he is a little punk, kevin told him that and i think it is starting to strike a chord, well i can only hope. i have a hard time living with liers. tomorrow is also conferences! who hoo! as far as the exposing thing goes, i guess boys will be boys, i am sure there are numerous articles out there about the early development of boys and how being curious and blah blah blah are all acceptable, but i am not a psychology major and ask for very few things 1. don’t lie and 2. be a good person. not to tough right? everything else is great, i went grocery shopping again, because munchie mcsnakerson struck sunday night and monday night and ate all the sandwich stuff and all the other lunch stuff. but he is still great! happy hump day!

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ahh mags…

my best friend from college just sent an email about getting yet another dog. i think currently she has five boxers and the justification for this next one is that it is not a boxer. they are just too funny. this new one is a blue tick coon hound, she mentioned something about training it to hunt and then competing with her. my only advice was to read “where the red fern grows”. one of my favorite books while i was growing up, i remember reading it then watching the movie in school and being so disturbed by one: he ordered the puppies through the mail (didnt find that at all natural) and two: the whole kid falling on the axe part. i do have to admit that i lived a very sheltered youth, so reading something that descriptive and violent at a younger age, well lets just say it scarred me a bit. and completely turned me off to coon hunting! regardless if mags has a new dog or not, i am feeling a bit homesick and do miss her much. i certainly cannot complain about where i am at now, but every once in a while i do miss the people that helped me become the person i am today, maybe sometime they can come and see how much i have changed. until then i can fondly remember all of our little “trips” and jokes and have a personal funny ha ha when something sparks those  memories because no matter how much i prep a story and use all the animation in me, they will never be as funny to me as they are to the people i am telling the story to, just because they were never there. now its march, part of me cannot believe where the rest of the year has gone and part of me dreads march. i think because it is a long month following a very short month and because the weather just likes to tease us. one day it could be 50, the next it could be snowing. i think this is the time of year that i really start to get cabin fever. it hasnt been too bad yet and we scheduled more nights down in the batting cages… just plain fun! but over all but the end of this month i could swear we have gone through at least two. beware of the ides of march right?

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