
Archive for the ‘ten on tuesday’ Category

so its been a while, but back with a vengeance, or a dull roar, are my answers to the fabulous Chelsea’s “Ten on Tuesday” Questions!!! (i recently saw the muppett movie and just heard kermit in the background…)

1. How do you feel about Groundhog’s Day?- I instantly think of a Bill Murray movie that I never understood…

2. What color are your fingernails right now? (Bonus points if you include a picture.)-Natural, so no picture needed, but I am thinking a bit of polish is in order sooner rather than later, should it be Laser? perhaps very cherry or wavelength? ohh the possibilities…

3. Do you like riddles?- Only if I know the answer. And don’t even get me going on those license plates that have a mixture of letters and numbers. I have never felt so dumb then the time when, for the life of me, I did not understand what “4U2NV” meant…hours of “I don’t get it!!!!”

4. When you were 10, how old did you think “old” was? At your current age, how old do you think “old” is?- when I was ten anyone who was called “grandma” was old. Grandma Fritzen? Old. Grandma Gubanick? Old. Now? 100+ is old and even then its a case by case situation…

5. Do you wish on stars?- ‘makes no difference who you are…’ yes. All the time…

6. Do you recycle?-Not as much as I should. We have a few bins here at the complex, but sometimes it is just easier to throw it all in one bag…bad Jen…

7. On a scale from 1-10, how good of a cook are you?- The boys havent starved yet…Im going with and edible 5…

8. Do you color your hair? Professionally or at home?- I haven’t in over six years. I used to enjoy coloring my hair, but I just stopped. I have recently found grey hairs, grey hairs that are becoming more prominent and I am beginning to think something needs to be done with them. Sure grey hair is distinguished on some, but not on me!

9. One a scale from 1-10, how do you rate your manners?- always respectful of my situation…translation=they can range from burping the alphabet at the table to knowing exactly which fork goes with which course…

10. Who are the last 5 people you have texted?-Mandy, Kristen, Kevin, Mary, and Jenn…

I am thinking its time to submit some questions for the ToT…any suggestions?

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its Ten Again!!

Tuesday here and its the middle of the month. Next week we will be eating turkey with family and friends and passing out in tryptophan induced comas! Thanks to Chelsea for hosting once again…

1. What are your pantry staples?- I like to think I have a stocked pantry, so at any time I can just whip something up with what is the pantry and become a domestic goddess. Truth is we don’t really even have a pantry and what is in there is not a staple by any means. We always seem to have tuna and oatmeal and peanut butter, but domestic goddesses don’t whip up gourmet dishes with those ingredients…

2. What are your refrigerator staples?- milk, three or four gallons a week…

3. You already look like Heidi Klum (or your favorite supermodel). Now, what are the top three non-physical things you would change about yourself?- be less of a procrastinator, be more organized and be a better person…

4. What’s holding you back from your dream job? (If you already have your dream job, how did you get there?)- I have the education I just need the experience… working on that right now…

5. You have $500 to spend but it has to be on one item only. Go.- hum…frivolus? ipad…practical? new brakes…

6. What is something that you are embarrassed to admit you buy on a regular basis?- Britney Spears songs on the ipod…

7. What’s in/on your bed every night?- down comforter and my husband 🙂

8. What is a non-necessity item that, no matter how expensive it gets or how tight your budget if, you will always find room for it?-fancy coffee drinks…

9. What is the weirdest sandwich you’ve ever made?- I used to work at a sandwich shop and the weirdest combination, that I loved, was oatmeal bread, corn beef and ketchup with a little provolone cheese…

10. Would you rather: Be banned from Pinterest forever, but gain a million captive Twitter followers; or, never get on Facebook again but gain five thousand blog readers?- I would rather be banned from Pinterest, that site is just bad for me…

Happy Tuesday!!

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whoa…twice in one month? baby steps, that is all. here is another batch of ten questions hosted by the lovely chelsea. they are all about vacation and i am feeling the need for a vacation….

1. You’re packing for a week long vacation, do you pack ahead of time or wait until the last possible minute to pack?- i usually make a list and then start packing a few days ahead of time, have to time the laundry with everything else that is going on…its a delicate balance…

2. Are you a light or heavy packer?- i like to think a light packer. we almost always go somewhere with a washer and dryer, however i am also responsible for everyone soaps, shampoos, ect…and that stuff? gets heavy!

3. What are your favorite road trip snacks?- twizzlers…

4. Do you take any reading material along?- i will always take at least one book, at least…

5. Do you prefer to drive or fly to your vacation destination?- i love to fly because it gets you to the place and the vacation quicker, but i also love to drive to enjoy the scenery and stop at quirky places…

6. What is your favorite time of the year to take your vacation?- anytime is a good time!

7. Where is your favorite place to vacation?- we tend to go someplace new every year. I LOVED seattle and we just went up to stowe vermont, which was also perfect…

8. You are vacationing in the mountains, what is your favorite thing to do while there?- sit and stare, after hiking…

9. You are at the beach for your vacation,  do you like to take it easy on the beach or play all day in the water?- i like to take it easy…i think…

10. While your on vacation do you prefer to eat out every night or cook some of your own meals?- much rather eat in with a smattering of eating out, restaurant food can get old pretty quick…

Happy Tuesday!!!

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ten on tuesday…

ohhh questions about food. i may be one of the most pickiest eaters anyone of you has ever met. if its not picky it is defiantly persnickety, but i like to think its sophisticated. once again these questions are brought to us by chelsea at roots and rings

1. What is a food that you never thought you would try, but then tried and liked?– i like to think that i would try anything once. piercings, snake handling, extreme roller coasters. but when it comes to food there are certain things i wont even try. for example; pie. lets get this out in the open once and for all…i don’t like pie. i wont eat it. i love the way pumpkin pie smells at thanksgiving and i have been told my dad makes a mean apple pie. but i wont eat it, have no desire to try it and have noticed that seems to be a theme in my life when it comes to food…

2. Do you subscribe to any foodie publications? If so, which ones? – no because then i would be required to make things from said foodie publications…thats way too much of a commitment…

3. What ingredient do you find yourself reaching for the most when you cook?– garlic. not sure if its because i am sub-consciencly worried about vampires, or that is the only gene from my italian side of the family that has manifested in me. because the second shocker is i don’t eat/like pasta…grandma fritzen thinks i hatched…

4. Are there any foods that you hated as a child, but then learned to like as an adult?– eggs. i used to avoid eggs like the plague. i can eat them now, but they have to be scrambled with cheese…

5. What do you like to eat that others may consider weird?– i love eating cheerios with syrup. its the only way i will eat syrup, i hate it on pancakes and refuse to eat french toast (its soggy)…

6. What is the weirdest ingredient you’ve ever cooked with?– i used rocks to cook a lasagna once, but they weren’t nesaccarliy in the lasagna, and well i have already established i don’t like pasta, so this answer really isn’t an answer to the question is it?

7. Do you have any major food allergies?– no, but i will tell people i am allergic to the poisonous qualities of tomatoes. because i HATE tomatoes. i realize hate is a strong word, a word that makes peoples blood boil, but that is how strong my aversion to tomatoes is…

8. Is there an ingredient that you would like to cook with, but are intimidated to try?– tomatoes…they’re poisonous….

9. Do you bake?– cookies!!!!!!!!!!!

10. If you could go on any “foodie” show to compete, which one would it be, and why?– well i haven’t really watched many, i don’t think i could smoke enough to be on hells kitchen, and i certainly don’t like being yelled at. i can bake cookies but suck at frosting things so cake boss would be out. maybe i would have to develop my own “foodie” show and call it this or that. the premise being “she wont eat her grandmothers spaghetti but she will eat chef boyardees spaghettios and meatballs…” or something along those lines…

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ten on tuesday…

hey! winter! I am done with you! just thought you should know…

now that that is out of my system, lets answer some ten on tuesday questions brought to us once again by the lovely chelsea at roots and rings, so glad to hear she beat the plague…

1.  What condiments are always, always in your fridge?– kens red wine vinaigrette, cheese (a multi-purpose item) and ketchup…

2.   How do you like your steak cooked?  Your burgers?– medium well for both. i am not a huge fan of my meat still mooing, but i certainly do not like to eat leather…or hockey pucks…

3.  What’s your favorite use for fresh tomatoes?– um…yuck…garbage filler perhaps? i have never liked tomatoes and i have tried. i love fresh mozzarella, basil and balsamic vinegar, but i usually pick out the tomatoes. now my husband eats the tomatoes, and loves the fresh ones with a little salt and pepper. i have only once had a fresh tomato prepared in a way that i loved, it was at a fancy restaurant in portland maine on our honey moon. maybe it was the occasion and maybe it was the tomato, but i ate it, and i liked it, and haven’t been able to replicate it since…

4.  What’s your go-to dinner when you haven’t planned anything in advance and you don’t feel like going out?– chicken patties, i know…lame…but twenty minutes later and we all have something to eat thats not too bad for us and edible….

5.  What’s your favorite snack food lately?– i don’t know if its considered snack food, but recently have i have been “snacking” on roasted cauliflower. little bit of olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette, garlic and salt. i have to thank that wife for the recipe…

6.  What’s your favorite weekend breakfast to make at home? – it has taken me a long time to like breakfast but now i like it so much we even have it for dinner. the combination is eggs, bacon, potatoes and cinnamon rolls…

7.  What’s your favorite thing to grill?  How do you do it? – salmon on a cedar plank with a little seasoning…yummmmm

8.  What’s your favorite wine for under $10? If you’re not a wine person, what brand of beer is your favorite?– i have been partial to the bare foot varieties, i tend to go through phases, when its warmer outside i like a chilled pinot grigio but when its cold i like a thick red like the zinfandel or pinot noir…

9.  Give us your most delicious cocktail recipe.- i cant remember the last cocktail i had but when my bff maggie and i were in college we took a bartending (bar management to be technical) class. we felt we would do so much better if we had a fully stocked bar because, duh, we had to practice. my favorite from that class is the classic long island ice tea. i believe the final in that class was to pull a drink from a hat and make it in front of everyone, i pulled a screwdriver, aced the class…

10.  How do you like your eggs?– it took me many many many years to like eggs and they have to be scrambled with cheese. no milk, just cheese. sometimes the cheese to egg ratio is skewed to having more cheese than egg, but then again i did mention it is a multi-purpose item in the fridge…

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ten on tuesday…

its tuesday! which makes me happy! which means questions! i know i have been absent from my little corner of the internet, things have been busy? hectic? loads of changes on the horizon! in order to ease back into the  blogging thing, once again i will answer questions brought to us by the lovely chelsea at roots and rings. i am glad to see her little man is getting better and i am excited to be back here!

1. What is your cleaning style like?- if my mom read my blog, i KNOW she would respond to this question with a huge “BAHAAAA! Jen? Cleaning style?” but i assure you i clean. i clean when the spirit moves me, of course my husband just laughed after reading this question much like how i imagined my mom would laugh, but i do clean, and next to his “nonexistent” cleaning style, i think i have some style, perhaps not a fancy named style, but style none the less…

2. What is your favorite thing to add to an outfit to take it from casual to classy?- diamond earrings…its all about the earrings!

3. Do you like stormy weather?- yes. one of my favorite things about growing up in michigan was being able to watch the storm clouds build up in the distance. the place was so flat you could see storms miles off and just appreciate the raw power building and still find a safe place to cower…

4. What is your favorite cold treat on a hot day?- reeses peanut butter cup blizzards….

5. What is your favorite warm treat on a cold day?- lobster bisque…

6. Who is your favorite animated character?- that is a tough one. i LOVED cartoons growing up…oh wait…i still love cartoons. my classic favorite animated character is scooby doo, but i also hold special places in my heart for the surfs, animaniacs, tiny toons, bugs bunny, elmer fud (Kill the Rabbit) spongebob squarepants and many, many others…

7. What do you keep your jewelry in?- i have a jewelry box, two depression glass bowls and two sunflower bowls i got from the seaport a few years ago…

8. Do any of the rooms in your house have a theme?- um…no, i clean better than i decorate…run with that…

9. Do you watch any interior design TV shows – if so, what is your favorite?- i used to watch trading spaces, a LONG time ago, but then the designers got really weird, so i stopped…

10. When was the last time you did something risk-taking?- how about yesterday, when i accepted a new job…

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ten on tuesday…

its tuesday and we all know what that means. TEN ON TUESDAY questions!!! brought to us by the lovely chelsea. she has finally started sharing her birth story, and well, it’s exactly the way i would expect it. having never given birth i would have the same thoughts she did…

1. What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. Do you love it? Hate it?– um, well, i used to dread it. at least the part where people give you valentines and put so much pressure on one day to express how much you love someone. the only person who always made it great was my dad. you can see the pictures from last week when he surprised me at work and sang to me. but as i have gotten older and perhaps grown up a bit its a day thats nice and surprises are always welcome but overall i don’t need a day to emphasize how much i love someone, but it is a nice excuse to binge on chocolate and get cards in the mail…

2. What is your favorite romantic comedy?– i would have to say Sweet Home Alabama, it just makes me laugh. and i LOVE the part at the mansion with the old guy firing off anvils…Hilarious!

3. Meg Ryan & John Mellencamp: what’s your first reaction?– not quite meg ryan and tom hanks…but it could work…

4. All time favorite poem or quote? – oh i have many and they range from The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe to “Go big or go Home”…

5. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep? (like consecutive hours).– when i was in my senior year of college, i worked third shift at a group home 11pm-9am and took 20 credits and was active in a sorority (yes i was in a sorority and some day i may write about it…) so the amount of sleep i got that year was probably a few hours between the last class and next meeting plus the overtime because i was the dependable one at the home and covered for many other not so dependable people. in all fairness it was the greatest experience and the worst experience. i was able to afford living, i graduated in four years, and only spent a little while on the crazy train…so the longest amount of time i would have to say 30+ hours or so…

6. What color ink do you prefer to use?– purple…love purple…professional? no, but oh so pretty!

7. Share with us a blog that you recently found and fell in love with (and link us!)- well i have been reading this for a while now, but she is so intelligent i had to share…the mormon child bride makes me laugh, think, and appreciate…i have also been reading the grumbles for a bit now but also another very intelligent blog that makes me smile…

8. If you could be on a reality TV show which one would you choose?– jerseylicious…its my guilty pleasure and i am not really sure how “reality” it is, but if i could just sit and talk with the ladies for a day i would consider myself one very lucky person…

9. Mountains or Beach?– mountains near water, like seattle. i have always lived in the vicinity of large bodies of water and know i need that to stay sane, but there is something amazing about mountains that makes me think how cool it would be to live near them…

10. With the Oscars around the corner, what’s your pick for best picture?– the kings speech. actually its the only one i have seen that is nominated, but it was so great! colin firth swearing was so funny and Geoffrey rush was just amazing. it helps that i am a huge history nerd, but still…great movie!

so happy tuesday everyone. no snow today, that was yesterday morning. i have to admit it was the first time i seriously said to myself that i could live somewhere that would not require me to warm up the car 15 minutes before i want to leave and i would so not miss the inches of snow i had to brush off the car…getting tired of it…

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ten on tuesday…

it’s the first ten on tuesday when it is above freezing outside!!! and how appropriate that the questions involve summer, oh summer with your wicked humidity and sweltering days, right now i miss you…thanks so much to chelsea for hosting once again, go quick, check out her giggling baby…

1. Any vacations you are looking forward to this summer?– for the past four summers we have vacationed with kevins brother and family, we have gone from rhode island to seattle to the shore to maryland. this year our plans may be different, nick is trying out for a travel baseball team, if he makes the team we would most likely be vacationing at some warm place for big tournaments. fingers crossed!!! and this doesn’t really count as a vacation but i am TOTALLY looking forward to my sister’s wedding in june!

2. What is your favorite article of summer clothing (shoes are included)?– sandals. hands down the greatest invention for summer attire, you can dress them up, dress them down, and well wear them anywhere…

3. What is your favorite summer drink (alcoholic or non)?– i used to love a cold beer while sitting on my driveway with mags. we didn’t have a porch so we improvised. but because i have matured (ahem) i am going to have to go with the blended strawberry lemonade from starbucks…

4. Do you tan or burn?– i am irish, what do you think. although i did get blessed with a bit of the italian (thank you grandma fritzen) which allows me to manage a bit of tan, well way more than my sister…

5. Any goals you are working toward this summer?– reading and maybe finally having success growing tomatoes in the garden…

6. What is your favorite summertime food?– corn on the cob direct from the field, there is nothing that says summer more…

7. What song most says “summer” to you?– pretty much anything by dave matthews, i say that because we usually see a show or two in the summer, warm nights, full moons and good tunes…

8. Any home improvement goals planned for this summer?– how about just getting a home? does that count?

9. What is one thing you hate to see at the beach?– dead fish…they smell…

10. Did you ever go to a summer camp?– every summer! i had an insatiable desire to ride horses, my parents where able to whet my appetite for a time by sending me away to camp merrie woode for a week or more at a time just to ride. i loved it there. and began to love horses even more which eventually resulted in getting a horse my junior year of high school…

happy tuesday everyone!!!!!!!!!!

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ten on tuesday…

so i am beginning to think that ten on tuesday questions are directly responsible for crappy weather. its nothing against the questions because really? i love doing this, but every tuesday for the past i have no idea because it seems like forever, i find myself answering these questions and staring out into wintery cold stuff falling from the sky. but hey, it can’t last forever! right? RIGHT? once again thanks to chelsea for posting and hosting and all that good stuff!!

1. What’s your favorite kind of donut?– this falls into the category of “jen is such a picky eater” i don’t really like donuts and when i do eat them i am very particular about what they are like. currently i only eat the old-fashioned cinnamon donut from elmwood bakery many thanks to my co-workers…i have also been known to eat powdered donuts, but they always tend to be of the homemade variety, and oh please God do not ask me to eat one with filling…

2. Do you use the snooze button?– i used to the be the queen of the snooze button, just ask my college roommate. but now i find myself waking up before the alarm even goes off…odd…

3. Do you write in cursive, print, or a combination of the two?– mostly cursive, but if i am in a hurry its a combination. that probably proves i am indecisive or something like that. the one thing my writing is always is small…

4. Tell us a joke.– what do you call a bee that makes milk?….a boobie!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

5. How many languages do you speak?– English of course, i can also muddle my way through spanish and ask where the bathroom is in french…Madame Roselle would be so proud!

6. Why did you start blogging?– i started blogging when i was getting ready to start a new job and move in with my then boyfriend. kinda as a way to keep in touch and kinda as a way to chronicle major life changes…

7. Do you use bar soap or liquid body wash?– liquid body wash, usually whatever is on sale and does not have vanilla as an ingredient…

8. Do you buy bottled water?– yes, but its more for the boys then me. i have no problem drinking from the tap pretty much anywhere i go…

9. What did you think of the Super Bowl Half Time Show?– highly disappointed. the only thing i kinda liked were the light up costumes on the dancers, slash was alright, but then fergie butchered sweet child of mine (at least in my opinion…)

10. How do you feel about Steve Carell leaving The Office?– i had no idea…so i guess…i don’t really care…i guess this is where i have to admit i don’t watch the office…gasp!

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as i sit here waiting for work to decide wether or not i need to drive through the two feet of snow+sleet+freezing rain+crap…i think this is a perfect time to once again indulge in a round of ten on tuesday questions brought to us by the lovely chelsea at roots and rings…

1. What’s your favorite color to paint your nails?- i rarely paint my finger nails. i just cannot seem to not peel the polish off after only a few hours. i do however, always paint my toenails. my favorite brand in sally hansen and this past summer they came out with HD (high definition) colors that are bright and sparkly. currently i am wearing the bright, sparkly, blue which has a name that escapes me right now…

2. Do you like to sneeze?- only if it is once or twice. any more than three times i start to get annoyed and know i should start pumping the vitamins to ward off a cold…

3. How often do you fill up your car with gas?- usually once a week. but it all depends on how much and how far we are driving during the week for baseball, since those clinics and work outs are beginning more and more frequently, i can see us filling up more during the week…

4. Were you named after anyone?- my first name no. my middle name is tradition in the fritzen family. all the girls have mary or a form of mary in their name, hence jennifer marie…

5. Have you made any good recipes lately?- the last time we were snowed in (oh…that was just a week ago…) i found the perfect peanut butter cookie recipe. its simple, tasty and the consistency of the cookies is perfect…yumm peanut butter cookies…

6. What’s an easy money-saving tip that you use regularly?- stop buying coffee every. single. morning.

7. Would you rather have a sore throat or an ear ache?- not sure, a sore throat sucks because you can’t eat or talk without being in pain, but you can use those nasty sprays or cough drops to numb it. whereas an ear ache is something that is not as easily treated and causes more irritation then they are worth. so i guess a sore throat…

8. Do you have any scars? What are they from?- oh yes, many, many, scars. i was a tomboy growing up so i have the usually scared up knees from falling off of bikes, out of trees, and sliding into catchers during softball games. i have a giant scar on my stomach from the surgery and other ones from a previous life. i do not however have the typical scar on my forehead from chicken pox, because i never really had chicken pox…

9. What are you “known for” in your circle of friends/family?- i am known as a sponge for useless knowledge-everyone wants me on their trivia team…

10. How do you like to eat your pancakes?-plain with butter and cinnamon sugar. no syrup, i don’t like it, its sticky. just the thought of syrup makes me want to wash my hands…excuse me now, i have to go wash my sticky hands…

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