
Posts Tagged ‘holy shit!’

holy monday batman…

so did not want to get out of bed this morning. not because it wasn’t a gorgeous day, not because anything bad is happening, i was just so damn. comfortable. but i went to work and had to share my little news. i have mentioned the “e” word before, but now its even closer. this past weekend, we had the “talk” basically it is so going to happen but we have a joint checking account and we tell each other everything so the concern was what would be thought if less money was being put away. i had no answer. well we took a trip to tiffanys (i felt as if i were going to pass out) and tried on a ring that cost the same as grad school and a new car, then looked another place. this other place had some gorgeous settings. but we still didn’t have a stone. in my euphoria i naturally called my mom and my sister- side note apparently you CANNOT call your sister and leave a message that simply says “we went to tiffanys”- on sunday we went and had lunch with my mom, abbotts in the rough “difficult to find, impossible to forget!” which she had planned last week, and right before hand she gave kevin and i my grandmothers diamond pendant and matching studs. we have a stone, and it is mighty pretty! and i have to go breathe into a brown paper bag again…

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