
Posts Tagged ‘music’

the tree is down…

sheesh it is finally down, and the depression of missing a lovely lighted tree that took up half the living room was not as bad as i thought it would be. although i have been living in that apartment longer than when the tree was up, it still feels like a whole new place. but like i said it is finally down. this weekend kevin had his first barbershop experience. you see my dad sings barbershop music, both in choruses and quartets. he is good, has been doing it my whole life and it was a huge part of growing up. and i am not embarrassed by it. when i was younger i wouldn’t tell my friends, to many looks and judgments and how nerdy could that be jen, but as i grew older and realized that all those people involved were fun honest people, i began to become proud of the singing and even more proud of my dads participation from singing to directing to judging and being district vice presidents. its cool and we have fun (my sister and i just recently had a huge discussion about how we brag now about our dad and his singing) on Saturday night we went to the Manchester silk city chorus’ show and saw a great comedy quartet, and awesome college quartet and past international champions. all very good, and i sat next to kevin and basked in the idea that i have finally found someone who appreciates barbershop music. he never once judged, rolled his eyes, he just sat and enjoyed. i used to dream when i sat at all the concerts and competitions that one day i would have someone there with just me, i used to envision this person singing with my dad and becoming champions (kinda lofty i know! hey i was young) it was really just a great night! of course it was ended short when we got a call from nicks mom, she was in crisis because of the crazy boyfriend and had to bring nick home way early, i give her points for just having enough common sense to bring him home, she knows that if the crazy boy comes anywhere nick she will not see nick again…touchy situation yet all in all interesting to say the least.

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