
Posts Tagged ‘summertime!’

let the countdown begin…

dare i say it? well maybe not “it” but it is safe to start the countdown to the END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR! one half day left and we will have sixth grade under out belts, can you hear the collective sigh in the background? i can certainly feel it! in 24 hours there will be no more homework hell! no more detentions (but really there weren’t all that many) and nick will continue on his middle school career with two awards he won today. 1 outstanding attendance and 2. most improved scientist (both bring a little tear to my eye, he is not even mine!) way to go nick! and because i am so cool and such a softy, we will be playing guitar hero all afternoon!

this past weekend, we went and saw dave, it was great, we did get rained on on saturday, but really who cares when dave is playing, plus my sister was here with her boy and we were meeting my parents and kevins dad for breakfast the following morning. it was so great to see my dad, i guess its been a few months. he is very happy in his new job and just really wants the house here to sell, but there was something different about him, i am not sure what it was, nothing bad, but he seemed to look at me differently. hummm

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