
Archive for November, 2010

ten on tuesday…

because i just finished the first of two major papers…

because i just had a fantastic thanksgiving with family…

and because its tuesday, here are the ever cool ten on tuesday questions brought to us by Chelsea!

1. Where are you from? Have you lived there your whole life?- i was born at the ohio state university, then moved to kalamazoo michigan where i grew up and seven years ago found myself in connecticut, the majority of my life was kalamazoo so i like to tell people i am the gal from kalamazoo…

2. How would you classify your clothing style?- how about lack of style…or basic/boring/whatever i feel comfortable in and is clean (always have to stick with the clean!)

3. What kind of car do you drive?- chevy impala affectionately known as paddy…

4. What would your dream home look like if you could have it (or already do!)?- this..

or this…

but i am not particular…

5. Do you have kids, and if so, how many and how old were you when you had them?- kevin has a son, i was 17 when he was born, sometimes my favorite thing to do to people i have just met who have rubbed me the wrong way is to drop the age of the son (14) and watch the wheels in their heads turn, trying to do the math…is that wrong?

6. What is your favorite hobby?- currently reading for school, in real life anything history nerd like-museums, graveyards, old houses, horseback riding, baseball games, just being outside…

7. Are you going to have any New Year’s resolutions for 2011?- blog more than just on tuesdays, i have a million observations and funny things but no time to write them out… i will 2011, you know why? I WILL HAVE MY MASTERS!!!!!!!!!

8. What is something, if anything, that you’d want to change about yourself?- work on thinking before speaking, i sometimes get really good at eating my feet…

9. What is something that you love about yourself?- my sense of humor

10. Pick one of the following: Someone to cook for you, someone to do your laundry, or someone to do your dishes.- hands down, someone to cook for me, i am not a great cook and what i do cook is the same thing every week, its getting boring and i am grateful the boys dont complain!

happy tuesday!!!

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ten on tuesday…

its tuesday! and once again the grad school gods have sucked every last legible thought from my mind, so with a lot of help from Chelsea i get to answer questions about one of my favorite holidays!!!

Questions for Tuesday, November 9, 2010!

1. Who makes your Thanksgiving dinner?– whoever owns the house makes the turkey, which translates into not ME!! although i have recently conquered cooking an entire chicken and i am thinking a turkey is not that much different…

2. What is your favorite recipe the includes pumpkin? (bonus points for including the recipe)– grandma fritzens pumpkin bread, hands down, the best. i would include the recipe but its a family secret (so secret i don’t even have it…)

3. What are 5 things you want for Christmas?– ohh good one… new clothes would be perfect! an ipad or imac or anything techy and cool like that, itunes card because i havent purchased new music in forever and for me, that’s wrong, books-because i will have loads o time to read when grad school is done, and i would love love love to make my grandmothers screw back diamond earrings into post earrings so i can wear them…santa are you listening??

4. Does your family draw names or do you buy for everyone?-the family used to draw names but now its a mix of both..

5. How do you feel about motorcycles?– well i don’t think you would ever find me on one, and i am pretty convinced that the crotch rockets that go tearing down the middle line on the highway at over 100 mphs being piloted by someone young not wearing a helmet is a just the gene pool being thinned out…

6. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday?– curl up in big baggy warm clothes and read a book

7. What is the coolest thing to do in your city?– HA! that’s funny, the coolest thing about my city is its half way between new york and boston…

8. Do you paint your fingernails?– fingers no, i find that if i paint them i spend the next 24 to 48 hours obsessively peeling, toes however are always painted!!

9. Who is your favorite actor over the age of 50?– tommy lee jones… i have no idea what it is…

10. Do you have a high school letter jacket?– yuppers! lettered in basketball and softball

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because i havent been here in a while, and because i put the ‘pro’ in procrastination its time for another round of ten on tuesday questions brought to us by the lovely Chelsea at roots and rings quick click on that and tell her how cute her little pumpkin is!!!

1. Do you color? If you do, is it with markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.?– i certainly color, with crayons, only pointed ones because if i am going to color instead of oh i don’t know…do actual work on school related projects, those pictures are going to be PERFECT…

2. What’s the most organized part (or system) in your house?– my bookshelves. i should have gone to grad school for library science because i swear my bookshelves are one step away from the dewy decimal system, of course i organized them when i should have been working on a previous research paper but my logic behind that was “now i will be able to locate such resources quicker and more efficiently” have i needed any of those since?

3. What’s the most unorganized part (or system) in your house?-my kitchen, mostly because it is two feet by two feet with no room for anything to look even remotely organized…

4. If you had unlimited amounts of time and money, what museum would you want to see and why?– ahhh! this was my suggested question!!! i would totally go to the hermitage in st. petersburgh russia. because of the unlimited amount of time i would have to spend at least weeks there. why? because for the longest time i have been fascinated with russian culture culminating with the romanovs, and to be able to walk where they walked would be, unbelievable….

5. What is your favorite part of the fall season?– changing colors, bulky sweatshirts, football games, walks in the leaves, our wedding anniversary, the anticipation for the holidays, crisp blue skies, buying school supplies (nerd alert!), cider, the first time you smell a wood burning stove, the thought of gaining an hour of sleep, and just the general relief of the end of oppressive summer heat…

6. Did you dress up for Halloween?– nope, havent for a while now. although i did go to sams wearing my under armor trinity sweatshirt that is over two years old and was accosted by the direct tv salesmen, usually i turn into the wicked witch of the west and don’t let them get a word in, but the first guy commented that i must have just bought the sweatshirt and i had to correct him, then he called his buddy over who, it turns out, graduated from trinity. we got to talking about school and graduations and i walked away a short two minutes later never having to listen to how they can lower my cable bill!

7. Have you started Christmas shopping?– yes, and that’s all i can say about that…

8. Do you crack your knuckles?– no and that’s not because i have never tried. my friends would crack their knuckles growing up and i thought it was cool (huh?) but i was never able to achieve a purposeful crack, in fact it ranks up there with wanting to be able to spit like a boy…

9. If you had to live in another city for a year (all expenses paid), which city would you choose?– that’s tough, i always thought living in nyc would be awesome but as i have grown more mature (ahem) i think living perhaps in a small seaside town for a year would be perfect, perhaps newport or even a place on cape cod…

10. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?– yes, ever since i was young, i would dream about a man with a strawberry blond beard that was braided who was trying to kill my family. he wore a baby blue tux and drove a baby blue car. i would be hiding in the backseat of the car amongst the caskets of my family members all of whom had little crosses carved on their foreheads and the backs of their hands. morbid i know. to this day i cannot stand the color baby blue and i am always suspicious of strawberry blonde bearded men…

well that took away a good hour of research time!!! alas the pro has to get back to the books…

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Election day! (i am so very, very, very glad that the advertisements are going to stop!)

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