
Archive for March, 2010

a sweet deal…

my very funny friend and hero because she lives with many boys,  Karen,  tagged me in the Hershey’s Better Basket Blog Hop! this is just more proof that chocolate does indeed make the world a sweeter place!!

The rules and how to participate in something festive…


  • Copy and paste these rules to your blog post.
  • Create a blog post giving a virtual Easter Basket to another blogger – you can give as many Virtual Baskets as you want.
  • Link back to person who gave you an Easter Basket.
  • Let each person you are giving a Virtual Easter Basket know you have given them a Basket.
  • Leave your link at BetterBasket.info/BlogHop comment section. You can also find the official rules of this #betterbasket blog hop, and more information about Better Basket with Hershey’s there.
  • Hershey’s is donating $10 per each blog participating to the Better Basket Blog Hop to Children’s Miracle Network (up to total of $5,000 by blog posts written by April 4th, 2010).
  • Please note that only one blog post by each blog url will count towards the donation.

And this is who i am tagging…

Mandy because she knows the difference…( and is totally awesome in so many ways that i cannot wait to meet her!)

Nora because everyone knows chocolate helps with studying…

and anyone else who would like to play along…

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ten on tuesday…

its spring break!!! and between looking at shruken heads, traveling to florida, papers, projects, adult purchases-read a new bed!!!-i have finally found some time to write, here is a not so regular installment of ten on tuesday…

1. When you were a senior in high school, what career did you think you’d choose? Did you? Why or why not?-My dream job, when i was a senior in high school, was to be a large animal vet. i was going to work with horses at a major track and that was that. no questions asked. then i landed in my college chemistry class, i got a 14% on the first quiz only because i spelled my name right. i promptly called my dad, the organic chemist, and told him that my dream job of being a large animal vet had been flushed down the proverbial toilet. the next day i dropped chemistry and added a history of world revolutions class and the rest they say is history (which is so ironic-thats my major and my passion!) i still would love to at least go riding some day again…

2. What one thing about the “real world” did you find most surprising once you were on your own?-sometimes i still like to think that i am not in the ‘real world’ yet, but then i realize that i get excited about planning for a house, or looking forward to new brakes on the car, as opposed to spending my money on frivolous (yet o so much fun things) like music, books or clothes…

3. Name 3 things you think your closest friends DON’T like about you.-i can be blunt, or brutally honest. a very good friend of mine in highschool pointed this out to me one day and in my oh so very sarcastic response, all aligned with the catholic education i was receiving, i told her that i am not blunt just honest, that was my gift from God after my confirmation. which leads me to the sarcasm, there are times, i am sure where what is said is so not what i meant in my head or what i wanted others to hear. and finally, i am sure, at times, my wealth of useless knowledge must get a little old. if you are having a nice dinner and i chime in with a random fact about how the food is actually grown or the history of a particular dish, even i find that a bit annoying (but only after it comes out of my mouth!)

4. In order to sleep, do you need background noise or absolute quiet?-i really don’t care, just as long as i have a pillow and a blanket and my husband next to me…

5. Why do you choose to reside in your current city? Yes, you have a choice :-)-i chose to move here because kevin and i had just decided to move in together. i was very hesitant especially after the last incident. but i chose to find a new job and move to this town because we were going to have part-time custody of his son, and this is where he goes to school. turns out we now have full-time custody and are in the same town, a place that initially kevin said he NEVER wanted to live in again considering this is where he grew up. i still find it charming though when we are going someplace random and he makes a comment about little kevy on his bike…

6. Are you close to your parents?-very much so. i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my parents. besides the granted part of that statement they have been my biggest cheerleaders and strongest supports in the darkest of times. i love my parents very much!

7. What is your favorite fiction book? Poem? Blog?-i dont know if i can narrow down a favorite fiction book, so i will choose a favorite from this semester. currently i am taking a class on body art in film and fiction and i would have to say i LOVE The Tattoo Artist by Jill Ciment, it was so fiction but at many times i wanted to google the character to see a picture of her, then snapped back to reality. favorite poem is The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, and i have tons of favorite blogs, all favorites for different reasons…

8. Do you enjoy cooking or is it a chore?-if i try something new and it works, i LOVE it! if it doesn’t work out, cooking and the clean up become a massive chore that i would much rather ignore…

9. Be honest. What one thing would (the majority of) your blog readers be shocked to find out about you?-i dont think it would ‘shock’ anyone per-say, but something different that really doesn’t match my personality is i was in a national sorority in college and i had my eyebrow pierced, over all i am a pretty boring person though…

10. If you were given your own national holiday, what would you require people to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the Day of You? Would there be a parade? Greeting cards?-humm a day of me? i would require everyone to sleep in thus not requiring breakfast food, lunch would be a light salad and dinner would be a full-blown seafood festival, lobster, shrimp, scallops, fish,the whole nine yards complete with the best under ten-dollar bottle of wine you can find. i would love a parade of horses celebrating the history of whatever the riders wanted to celebrate, complete with mandatory visits to any historical site in town. i would have to say no to greeting cards because i would hate the day of ME to become a halmark holiday…

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happy monday!

this is classic, and i have to thank my co-worker, who heard it from the whole foods worker, then brought it back to the office and now its in all our heads…

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is so “Way To Go Against the Norm!”

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its friday!!!!

and i wrote a post! i still remember how to do that…i am over here….

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