
Archive for February, 2011

ten on tuesday…

its tuesday and we all know what that means. TEN ON TUESDAY questions!!! brought to us by the lovely chelsea. she has finally started sharing her birth story, and well, it’s exactly the way i would expect it. having never given birth i would have the same thoughts she did…

1. What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day. Do you love it? Hate it?– um, well, i used to dread it. at least the part where people give you valentines and put so much pressure on one day to express how much you love someone. the only person who always made it great was my dad. you can see the pictures from last week when he surprised me at work and sang to me. but as i have gotten older and perhaps grown up a bit its a day thats nice and surprises are always welcome but overall i don’t need a day to emphasize how much i love someone, but it is a nice excuse to binge on chocolate and get cards in the mail…

2. What is your favorite romantic comedy?– i would have to say Sweet Home Alabama, it just makes me laugh. and i LOVE the part at the mansion with the old guy firing off anvils…Hilarious!

3. Meg Ryan & John Mellencamp: what’s your first reaction?– not quite meg ryan and tom hanks…but it could work…

4. All time favorite poem or quote? – oh i have many and they range from The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe to “Go big or go Home”…

5. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without sleep? (like consecutive hours).– when i was in my senior year of college, i worked third shift at a group home 11pm-9am and took 20 credits and was active in a sorority (yes i was in a sorority and some day i may write about it…) so the amount of sleep i got that year was probably a few hours between the last class and next meeting plus the overtime because i was the dependable one at the home and covered for many other not so dependable people. in all fairness it was the greatest experience and the worst experience. i was able to afford living, i graduated in four years, and only spent a little while on the crazy train…so the longest amount of time i would have to say 30+ hours or so…

6. What color ink do you prefer to use?– purple…love purple…professional? no, but oh so pretty!

7. Share with us a blog that you recently found and fell in love with (and link us!)- well i have been reading this for a while now, but she is so intelligent i had to share…the mormon child bride makes me laugh, think, and appreciate…i have also been reading the grumbles for a bit now but also another very intelligent blog that makes me smile…

8. If you could be on a reality TV show which one would you choose?– jerseylicious…its my guilty pleasure and i am not really sure how “reality” it is, but if i could just sit and talk with the ladies for a day i would consider myself one very lucky person…

9. Mountains or Beach?– mountains near water, like seattle. i have always lived in the vicinity of large bodies of water and know i need that to stay sane, but there is something amazing about mountains that makes me think how cool it would be to live near them…

10. With the Oscars around the corner, what’s your pick for best picture?– the kings speech. actually its the only one i have seen that is nominated, but it was so great! colin firth swearing was so funny and Geoffrey rush was just amazing. it helps that i am a huge history nerd, but still…great movie!

so happy tuesday everyone. no snow today, that was yesterday morning. i have to admit it was the first time i seriously said to myself that i could live somewhere that would not require me to warm up the car 15 minutes before i want to leave and i would so not miss the inches of snow i had to brush off the car…getting tired of it…

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ten on tuesday…

it’s the first ten on tuesday when it is above freezing outside!!! and how appropriate that the questions involve summer, oh summer with your wicked humidity and sweltering days, right now i miss you…thanks so much to chelsea for hosting once again, go quick, check out her giggling baby…

1. Any vacations you are looking forward to this summer?– for the past four summers we have vacationed with kevins brother and family, we have gone from rhode island to seattle to the shore to maryland. this year our plans may be different, nick is trying out for a travel baseball team, if he makes the team we would most likely be vacationing at some warm place for big tournaments. fingers crossed!!! and this doesn’t really count as a vacation but i am TOTALLY looking forward to my sister’s wedding in june!

2. What is your favorite article of summer clothing (shoes are included)?– sandals. hands down the greatest invention for summer attire, you can dress them up, dress them down, and well wear them anywhere…

3. What is your favorite summer drink (alcoholic or non)?– i used to love a cold beer while sitting on my driveway with mags. we didn’t have a porch so we improvised. but because i have matured (ahem) i am going to have to go with the blended strawberry lemonade from starbucks…

4. Do you tan or burn?– i am irish, what do you think. although i did get blessed with a bit of the italian (thank you grandma fritzen) which allows me to manage a bit of tan, well way more than my sister…

5. Any goals you are working toward this summer?– reading and maybe finally having success growing tomatoes in the garden…

6. What is your favorite summertime food?– corn on the cob direct from the field, there is nothing that says summer more…

7. What song most says “summer” to you?– pretty much anything by dave matthews, i say that because we usually see a show or two in the summer, warm nights, full moons and good tunes…

8. Any home improvement goals planned for this summer?– how about just getting a home? does that count?

9. What is one thing you hate to see at the beach?– dead fish…they smell…

10. Did you ever go to a summer camp?– every summer! i had an insatiable desire to ride horses, my parents where able to whet my appetite for a time by sending me away to camp merrie woode for a week or more at a time just to ride. i loved it there. and began to love horses even more which eventually resulted in getting a horse my junior year of high school…

happy tuesday everyone!!!!!!!!!!

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my dad…

has always been a huge part of my life. he was the first guy to ever get me a valentines day present. and well, some things never change.

i get a call at work. its my dad asking if i am at work because the museum is closed. i told him i was in my office and asked why? turns out he was here to sing to me!!

they brought me a rose…

and totally made my valentines day!!!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!!!

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ten on tuesday…

so i am beginning to think that ten on tuesday questions are directly responsible for crappy weather. its nothing against the questions because really? i love doing this, but every tuesday for the past i have no idea because it seems like forever, i find myself answering these questions and staring out into wintery cold stuff falling from the sky. but hey, it can’t last forever! right? RIGHT? once again thanks to chelsea for posting and hosting and all that good stuff!!

1. What’s your favorite kind of donut?– this falls into the category of “jen is such a picky eater” i don’t really like donuts and when i do eat them i am very particular about what they are like. currently i only eat the old-fashioned cinnamon donut from elmwood bakery many thanks to my co-workers…i have also been known to eat powdered donuts, but they always tend to be of the homemade variety, and oh please God do not ask me to eat one with filling…

2. Do you use the snooze button?– i used to the be the queen of the snooze button, just ask my college roommate. but now i find myself waking up before the alarm even goes off…odd…

3. Do you write in cursive, print, or a combination of the two?– mostly cursive, but if i am in a hurry its a combination. that probably proves i am indecisive or something like that. the one thing my writing is always is small…

4. Tell us a joke.– what do you call a bee that makes milk?….a boobie!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

5. How many languages do you speak?– English of course, i can also muddle my way through spanish and ask where the bathroom is in french…Madame Roselle would be so proud!

6. Why did you start blogging?– i started blogging when i was getting ready to start a new job and move in with my then boyfriend. kinda as a way to keep in touch and kinda as a way to chronicle major life changes…

7. Do you use bar soap or liquid body wash?– liquid body wash, usually whatever is on sale and does not have vanilla as an ingredient…

8. Do you buy bottled water?– yes, but its more for the boys then me. i have no problem drinking from the tap pretty much anywhere i go…

9. What did you think of the Super Bowl Half Time Show?– highly disappointed. the only thing i kinda liked were the light up costumes on the dancers, slash was alright, but then fergie butchered sweet child of mine (at least in my opinion…)

10. How do you feel about Steve Carell leaving The Office?– i had no idea…so i guess…i don’t really care…i guess this is where i have to admit i don’t watch the office…gasp!

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