
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Testing the waters…


Just look at that face…and because I am a sucker for that face, you can only imagine how much of a sucker I will be for this one…


My sister is a mom…

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Ten on Tuesday…

so it has been a while, but i liked these questions and felt the need to ease back to blogging… thanks chelsea!!

1. Would you rather give up pedicures or flat/curling irons?- hands down, curling irons and flat irons, i have no idea how to operate either. middle school was an unfortunate time for my bangs and the curling irons did not help…

2. Does your middle name have a family meaning?- yes, everyone on my dads side has mary in their name…

3. Do you like to sneeze?- yes, except when driving and trying to itch the bottom of your foot that is also pressing on the accelerator…

4. Do you think kids should need to learn cursive?-absolutely, its a sad thing when the younger generation cannot read a hand written note from a relative, its bad enough they hardly know about snail mail…

5. When you go to the beach for the day, what do you take?-sunscreen…lots of sunscreen…

6. Which decade had the best music?- im going to answer with decade did not have the best music and I am sorry but that had to be the 80s…just saying…goes along with the bangs (although mine were in the early 90s…)

7. Are you a good hand-shaker?- i am not sure about that, i like to think i give a good handshake, not to hard/firm but not wimpy, i think they make good first impressions, i am always concerned if the other person has a bad handshake, how do you recover from firmly grasping a mans hand you just met at an interview realizing his hand was clammy and his wrist was weak???

8. Do you have a go-to meal for when you are at a restaurant and you can’t decide?- salad, im crazy like that…

9. Do you have slippers?-kinda

10. Are you easily grossed out?-only one thing, and that one thing took years of working in group homes to overcome only to leave that area of work and become more sensitive over time now if that said thing happens, yes i am easily grossed out (kinda still)

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just some cool clouds…

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so its been a while, but back with a vengeance, or a dull roar, are my answers to the fabulous Chelsea’s “Ten on Tuesday” Questions!!! (i recently saw the muppett movie and just heard kermit in the background…)

1. How do you feel about Groundhog’s Day?- I instantly think of a Bill Murray movie that I never understood…

2. What color are your fingernails right now? (Bonus points if you include a picture.)-Natural, so no picture needed, but I am thinking a bit of polish is in order sooner rather than later, should it be Laser? perhaps very cherry or wavelength? ohh the possibilities…

3. Do you like riddles?- Only if I know the answer. And don’t even get me going on those license plates that have a mixture of letters and numbers. I have never felt so dumb then the time when, for the life of me, I did not understand what “4U2NV” meant…hours of “I don’t get it!!!!”

4. When you were 10, how old did you think “old” was? At your current age, how old do you think “old” is?- when I was ten anyone who was called “grandma” was old. Grandma Fritzen? Old. Grandma Gubanick? Old. Now? 100+ is old and even then its a case by case situation…

5. Do you wish on stars?- ‘makes no difference who you are…’ yes. All the time…

6. Do you recycle?-Not as much as I should. We have a few bins here at the complex, but sometimes it is just easier to throw it all in one bag…bad Jen…

7. On a scale from 1-10, how good of a cook are you?- The boys havent starved yet…Im going with and edible 5…

8. Do you color your hair? Professionally or at home?- I haven’t in over six years. I used to enjoy coloring my hair, but I just stopped. I have recently found grey hairs, grey hairs that are becoming more prominent and I am beginning to think something needs to be done with them. Sure grey hair is distinguished on some, but not on me!

9. One a scale from 1-10, how do you rate your manners?- always respectful of my situation…translation=they can range from burping the alphabet at the table to knowing exactly which fork goes with which course…

10. Who are the last 5 people you have texted?-Mandy, Kristen, Kevin, Mary, and Jenn…

I am thinking its time to submit some questions for the ToT…any suggestions?

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I decided it was time for a change…



and after…nine inches after…

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Now don’t be jealous…
I get to do this and then grocery shop then go to work!! But its asl worth it, getting these things out of the way will allow us to enjoy the dave and tim concert tomorrow night!

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The Grand Plan…

We have a tree outside that turns a brilliant yellow every fall. I decided this year that I was going to take a picture of that tree everyday until the last leaf fell. I started then we had a hurricane and a freak snow-storm. This is what I have to show for it…

there is always next year…


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* this week was my birthday, it was low key and great all at the same time.

*on my birthday I got a call from Mags in Michigan. It was the greatest conversation in a long time. Reminded me of how much i miss her and wish that I could meet that little man of hers!

*I would LOVE it if someone could explain to me the acid trip friskies commercials. Not only do they freak me out, I would love to know why they need to have a cartoon “celebrity (puss in boots)” hawking their cat food. At least I think its cat food…not sure really…

*I am desperately trying to find new recipes for me and the boys…

*thank God that this week is almost over. When you hear a huge sigh Saturday at 4:01pm, no worries, that is me being glad that for 24 hours I wont have to do ANYTHING!

Happy Friday!

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ten on tuesday…

It’s that time again! Ten questions on a Tuesday brought to us by Chelsea!

1. What’s your favorite television show  for each day of the week?- hum, that’s a tough one, what with the magic of dvr and the ability to watch/record/fast-forward live television, I find myself having a hard time remembering what show is on what night. I know for sure there is American Pickers on Mondays and there is the Big Bang Theory on Thursdays, but other than that, I watch whatever whenever…

2. How many times do you wear your jeans before you watch them?- At least twice, I love the snugness of just cleaned jeans that wears away into a comfy fit for the second day of wear…

3. What is your favorite pasta shape?-I have a love/hate relationship with pasta. I mostly hate it, but I have been known to love spaghetti os and meatballs. So perhaps the shape would be “o’s”, but they must have meatballs. I also like some pasta salads, but I prefer the spiral pasta that is tri-colored. Spiral pasta that is not tri-colored does not taste the same, man my parents must have been super patient with me…

4. Do you read newspapers?- I love reading the town paper that comes once a week. Perhaps because it is free, as for the other news papers, only online…

5. Do you sleep in socks?- No. I have a weird need-to-have-my-feet-free thing when I sleep. That means no socks and no flat sheet tucked in. My bestie Mags, from college, used to say the feet sticking out of the blankets were like thermostats, I think she was on to something…

6. Favorite genre of movies?- I am a history nerd, anything history related. I can even get into historical fiction movies, I love the ones that are accurate to a fault!

7. How do you feel about wrestling?- I never understood it. I found myself asking if wrestling was real just like I found myself asking wether or not The Hills was real…

8. Should men pluck their eyebrows?- only to avoid the uni-brow…

9. Do you have dimples?-nope…

10. Do you like to camp?- I used to love going to Girl Scout Camp. We slept in tents and I got to ride horses. It was great. I haven’t been camping in quite some time but I do think it would be something to get into…

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At the police academy? I am sure there is a lot of how to catch the bad guy, counter terriosim, crime scene investigation (just like the television shows) and just general bad-ass-ness. But what about directing traffic?

On my way home from work the other day I encountered something I never thought possible.let me explain…

Major intersections have been without power all week and for the most part, everyone has been very well behaved when it comes to the ol for way stop. The biggest intersection I deal with during my commute consists of two lanes each direction turning left, a gas station, an exit damp from a major highway and just a lot of fricking cars.

I had grown accustomed to the pattern of the for way stop all week when lo and behold two cops showed up to direct rush hour traffic on friday afternoon. Smart move I thought as I pulled off the highway and was three cars back from the front. I must have just missed my turn. No problem. What happened next boggles my mind. As I sat on the exit ramp, during rush hour, with more and more cars building up behind me, I watched the officers do a clumsy yet choregraphed dance with the three other columns of cars. Just as I thought for sure we were next, at least according to how everyone had behaved at every other for way stop, the cops skipped over the ever crowding exit ramp and moved on to the next side. They FORGOT about the exit ramp. No joke one pointed it out to the other. Then we got move.

Interesting to say the least…

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