
Archive for January, 2010

ten on tuesday…

once again i find myself really enjoying the ten on tuesday posts, someday i may even get savy and put the button on the page, but that would require a bit more brain power than i am actually willing to put forth, so for now, the questions brought to you once again from the charming chelsea (which i hear is NOT her real name…)

1. What accomplishment are you most proud of?-learning that there are things that i cannot control and accepting myself

2. How much did you weigh when you were born?-i dont remember. i could swear that i walked out of my mom at a size 14 and never looked back but i am pretty sure thats medically impossible so i would have to go with seven pounds or something like that…

3. What is your favorite perfume?– Happy from clinique. my mom always wore channel #5 and i remember growing up and being able to smell it on her coat, or in the car when she wasnt there and it just brought a comforting feeling to me. i think everyone has a certain scent that brings back memories…

4. How many siblings do you have?- i have one younger sister, who by the way is the BEST sister anyone could ever ask for. i know you may think i am biased, but any sister who laughs with you about the random collections of rocks, gum wrappers and page a day calendars, is one who can only be considered the best… here is photographic proof of her awesomeness…

5. How many children would you like to have? (Or how many do you have?)– i never thought i would have children. hell i thought the world was going to end before i turned 21 so every day is like a bonus day now! but i guess the fates had a different idea for me, my husband has a 13 year old son named nick, who has been living with us for three years. which is why that weekend back in august when we first moved in was not just us moving in together it was the beginning of a full fledged family full of homework, parent teacher conferences, family meals and vacations and everything else that goes along with raising a kid, an awesome kid who i have the privilege to watch and help grow into a young man… photographic proof of his awesomeness as well…

**********please note, this picture was taking from our first vacation and he is neither that short, nor that small now, but he still has that awesome smile!!!!*******

6. What’s the best class you took in college?– i am really not sure as far as undergrad was concerned, i had some interesting history classes, but for three years i spent the majority of my time trying to figure out what to major in and avoiding anything that required math. eventually i ended up majoring in history in part because of my amazing advisor sr. jean. as for grad classes i would have to say i LOVED my research methods class as well as my museum exhibition class. i find that now i am actually pursuing something that i am passionate about and short of making me analyze the quadratic formula, i will like the rest of my classes as well…

7. What was your favorite game to play when you were a child?– and here is where i admit to being a dork and liking history waaaayyyy before i figured out it was a passion of mine. when we were younger (and i am totally dragging my sister into this one because did i mention the awesome?) my sister and i and the neighborhood kids would build a sort of fort in the back yard under the picnic table. we would use a sheet to cover the top and play that we were pioneers traveling by covered wagon out west. joel would do the hunting, i would do the cooking and mary, well she was pretty much just along for the ride…

8. What character on Friends are you most like?– i think i am a combination of all of them. Ross-for the nerdness, Monica-for the obsessive cleaning, Rachel- being a bit naïve about the real world, Phoebe-sometimes i can be just as spacey, Chandler-dry sarcasm, it can get me in trouble at times and Joey-well not sure if i can any part of myself in that character but he is a loyal friend as am i…

9. Are you a phone person? (ie: Do you like talking on the phone?)-for the most part, there are times though when i dread hearing the phone ring but that is usually when i know that the person on the other end is not going to be nice to me…

10. What was the best vacation you ever took?– we had great trips when i was growing up like when we went to hilton head. but i would have to say, hands down, the best vacation i have ever taken in my adult life was two years ago when we went to Washington for two weeks, rented a house on the sound right across from Seattle and kevin asked me marry him and well the rest is history…

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and then we all float away…

so its raining, and by raining i mean A LOT, and by A LOT i mean the ground is still frozen which makes the water just pool. add to that really high winds and a general feeling of crap and i would have to say that is a great definition for a monday!

this was my last weekend before classes start again and i had grand aspirations of being creative. every once in a while i get the urge to make something. my problem becomes the question of what i want to make. my first thought was “ohh i will paint something.” all those great crafty blogs have found furniture that miraculously becomes a gorgeous piece of furniture with just a few coats of paint. immediately i find obstacles…1) i have no ugly found furniture. 2) i have no space to put the amazingly re-done found furniture. 3) in fact i have no space to actually amazingly re-do a piece of furniture. 4) i have no paint to transform the non-existent found furniture. and then things start to spiral out of control and i find myself just staring at what i do have and thinking that i will never create anything amazingly cool from found furniture ever. EVER.

instead i putz around the apartment, read a magazine, watch whatever the boys are watching and wonder what happened to that creative side of me…

and the last day before my life becomes full of reading, classes and papers, is spent picking up nick from school early because he has a touch of the plague, making some comfort food, and catching up on all the great crafty blogs that turn old silverware into wall art and taunt my hidden creative side…

perhaps i will just construct a boat…

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i thought this was funny…

so i was going through older posts and found this one. its a list of reasons of how you know you’re from michigan and i found that my answers have still not changed…

If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Michigan . so true, and ours was an indoor one!

If you have worn shorts and a coat at the same time, you might live in Michigan . i thought everyone did this…

You measure distance in hours. and when you arrive at your destination you are still in michigan!

You know several people who have hit a deer more than once. $3000.00 worth of damage later…

You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. why? because all of the pot holes are filled in. duh

You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings). that was the same wedding where the beer came out of plastic jugs.

You design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. i was a clown for years because the costume was soo big (another reason why i hate clowns!)

You can identify a southern or eastern accent. of course we don’t have accents.

Down South to you means Ohio . and people in Ohio are different…

Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost. i think that only happened once,

You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.and when we moved to ct, the poor neglected snowblower is hardly used…

You find 0 degrees “a little chilly.” three words to that…shorts and sweatshirt!

You drink pop and bake with soda. why cant people get that?

Your doctor tells you to drink Vernors and you know it’s not medicine. and because of Vernors you also know to use your hand as a map to point out where in michigan you are from.

You know what a yooper is. they even have bumperstickers!

You know that UP is a place not a direction. and i almost went to school up there but that damn bridge…

You understand that when visiting Detroit , the best thing to wear is a Kevlar vest. and you know that you can turn left on red when there is no on coming traffic…


p.s my answers are blue…

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AHHHHH BOOKS!!! i love books so these questions are perfect!!! thanks again to the lovely chelsea over at roots and rings!!

1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?-growing up my favorite books were anything and everything related to horses, i knew the exact corner in the library that held The Black Stallion, Billy and Blaze, and horse encyclopedias-you know because a ten-year old who lives in the city needs to know ALL about the effects of worms and how to keep up a proper pasture. my dad and i used to read The Black Stallion every night before bed, those are some of my fondest memories…

2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).– i would have to say that was Pride and Prejudice in sixth grade. we read the book and then watched the movie. my teacher taught it like it was a soap opera which resulted in me becoming very interested in General Hospital and Days of our Lives. needless to say it was not my favorite book but i noticed when i told other adults that i had already read it i got a sort of impressed approval of my ‘adult’ reading tastes…that was closely followed by reading the Phantom of the Opera which is something i could read over and over, i think because there is just a hint of truth in the story and i have always allowed myself to believe it…

3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).- if you are ready/needing/ or just really want a good cry, that would have to be the notebook. i never read the book and i know there is no way i could make it through the whole thing, from the first five minutes of the movie to the credits i was a balling fool. my sister came into my room and saw me crying and proclaimed “See i TOLD you so! WHY would you willingly do that to yourself!?!!” she was right but i still loved that movie. (as a side note, i own the dvd but have it stashed away, i know i have it, i just don’t ever want to really watch it again…) oh and of course there is always The Phantom of the Opera, enough said! and while i am at, the history nerd in me has to come out and i will fully admit to LOVING everything about Band of Brothers, i would not be available the nights it was showing on HBO-ask mags! and how could i forget Harry Potter…duh…

4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.– there was a movie done on HBO a few years back called the Return of the Blonde Bombshells and it was about a band of women who performed in london during World War II (can you sense a theme here?) i am sure there is some literature out there about them, but i have not been able to find much…

5. Worst book you’ve ever read?– or a book that you throw down in disgust either because you do not agree with what the author has done? i would have to go with Moby Dick. well maybe thats not fair, i have never made it through that book, i cant even make it through the cliff notes. Call me Ishmale…puts me to sleep. at my former job we taught all about whaling and one of my co-workers was a Mellvillian Scholar, the fact that i NEVER read Moby Dick was my deep dark secret…

6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.- well that list is long but distinguished, lets start out with Kite Runner, just the other day my co-workers were saying what a great book that was, i don’t know if it’s because it has never been on my radar or the fact that is more of a novel and not in the historical section that makes it not appeal to me, i should read it, i just havent, that also goes for most of the books on Oprahs list or the New York Times Bestseller list

7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).- well if i could get my hands on the anthology version of Secret of the Unicorn Queen, that would have all five books in one, see how i am bending the rules? then i would have to have Band of Brothers and the Prisoner of Azkaban, or i would take my uncle’s advice and get a kindle, which technically is only one item however the number of books would be practically unlimited…Muwaahahahahahahaa

8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?- kevin got me a book called Provenance for christmas, it is about an art forger and a con man who had such an elaborate scheme art historians are still feeling the effects of compromised archives in major art institutions in Europe, the book was fascinating and i would suggest anyone to read it, the best part about it was it read like a crime novel, but all really happened. and you don’t even need to know much or anything about art, highly suggest that one!

9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?– tabloid magazines, or any magazine for that matter. i love the glossy pages and who is wearing what, and what new move will make your husband go crazy. its trashy but mindless and when i find myself bogged down with theories about American Studies, i like to kick back with a glass of wine and catch up on all the gossip, then i like to share my new found knowledge with kevin, like did he know kate hudson and A-Rod were looking for apartments together? he listens to humor me, just another reason i love him so very much…

10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?-I don’t think i can pick just one book that has had an impact on  my life. it seems that with everything i read i take away at least one feeling or emotion or desire that applies to my everyday life  or encourages me to dream big…

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would it be wrong of me to encourage nick to use the name of the person who tormented me in middle school in one of his homework assignments that included listing suspects for various crimes committed in town?

am i considered a “wicked” stepmother because after months of telling nick no text messaging, yet he continued to text, i decided to block all incoming and out going texts?

will that come back to bite me?

and really what is the definition of a step mother any way? i think its kinda mean, i don’t consider myself a stepmother, i am just jen!

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ten on tuesday…

i am really getting into this ten on tuesday thing, partly because i seem to have nothing clever to say on a tuesday unless asked, mostly because i think my weekend recaps would be REALLY boring, grocery shopping, laundry, some reading, perhaps some baking and repeat because that is how i roll…once again thanks to chelsea!

1. Are you usually late, early, or right on time?– i think i am late if i am on time, therefore i always make it a point to be at least 10 minutes early, i had a softball coach (john buetow) to thank for this, he would always tell us what time the game was going to start, what time we should be there and what time he wanted us there, which was always 15 minutes early or as i called it “john time”

2. What is your middle name?– Marie, every daughter in the family has some form of mary in their name, a tradition that i would have liked to continue if my lady parts didn’t hate me so much…

3. What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?– why? i can tell you the last number is one more than my sisters because we got our phones together, we are THAT close!

4. How big is your bed?– not big enough, we are not a totally cuddly couple but i like being able to feel the hubs next to me so at first i thought a giant king size bed would make me feel lost in the middle of night, i don’t think that way so much anymore…

5. What are you allergic to?– mondays…enough said. but in all seriousness i have yet to find something that actually causes allergies…i may feign them every once and a while and i do think too much work can bring on attacks, but medically speaking nothing…

6. What is the first thing you do in the morning?– curse at the alarm and then immediately reach for the hair ties to tame the mop that is my hair, put on the closest sweatshirt, feed the dog, go to the bathroom, walk the dog, pour my coffee…

7. What was your favorite TV show growing up?– the first show i followed religiously was Little House On The Prairie, i had read all the books and wanted to really kick nellie in the face, but i was super young, also keep in mind my family did not have cable until i was a senior in high school, so my choices were limited to say the least. as i got a little older i found myself really liking Young Riders and yes i realize these all have historical overtones…what can i say?

8. Will you, or did you, go to your 10 year high school reunion?– i did not go to my ten-year reunion, partly because it was a huge hike to get there, hadn’t really talked to anyone since graduating, and my class is lame and were just meeting at a bar. i should have gone because i had just lost 165 pounds, but i didn’t feel it was a huge deal, perhaps my 20, although i highly doubt it…

9. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?- not sure, i am not there, how could i say it made a noise? i would think it would but then again i cannot be sure

10. What, in your opinion, is the greatest invention? (You know, since sliced bread…)-right now, the garmin and the ezpass, travel made simple, just type in the destination and go. the type of invention that reinforces that ignorance is bliss. for instance on our way to jersey a few weekends ago, we knew we wanted to avoid the city, at all costs, but the garmin kept trying to steer us in that direction, so we went the way we wanted to until we didn’t know how to get to the final destination, but the garmin is smart, it just kept recalculating which is perfect. as for the ezpass-how on earth did anyone ever travel through tool booths before it?

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thursday thoughts…

  • tonight we embark on a time-honored tradtion; open house for high school. (insert some type of music in the background) thats right, kevin and i will trek to the highschool, the same high school kevin went to, to learn all about schedules and to help “ease the transition from middle school to high school.” no joke that is what the news letter said! i havent figured out how i feel about this, i met nick when he was in fifth grade and i always knew high school was next. i may have to marinade on this for a bit…
  • i want to know why whenever we download a dave matthews cd set the trak listings are all wonky, we put three discs from the same show into itunes last night and each disc had different information on them either it was the concert name being different or the name of the artist, that made finding the new discs in the library a nightmare…
  • i was watching a gaggle of geese in the lacrosse field across from the parking lot this afternoon and began to wonder why are they called a gaggle, that lead to why on earth are a group of frogs called an army or a group of owls a parliament…
  • last night i had a wonderful conversation with a long-lost (recently found through facebook) friend. a sister of a former best friend of mine who went to the same high school and college as i did. she recently had a baby who is so very adorable and we were able to catch up a bit, it was just nice. i also learned that her sister is still in a word crazy and for a brief moment i thought about what life would be like if she were still involved in mine, then i snapped back to reality and thanked my lucky starts she is not…is that wrong?
  • external hard drives and moving iphoto libraries are not my friends right now…anyone have any idea how to make the disc not locked?
  • this break i have read three or four books, one of which called Provenance all about art forgery and another called The Billionaires Vinegar this one about wine forgery. i have decided that i want to find that one thing that i can study and live and become an expert so when there is another great con they can call me and i can look at whatever it may be and say with absolute authority that whatever is fake is in fact fake…how cool would that be?

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ten on tuesday…

so i am going to attempt to answer these ten questions with the most sincere attitude, i have to admit that the theme of ‘cooking’ does not really apply to me, but hey, its a new year, perhaps things will be different…Thanks again to chelsea for some great, thought provoking questions with a dash of humor at least on  my part…

1. Are there any movies that inspire you to bake/cook?-umm, i am going to have to go with no to that question, there are however plenty of movies that inspire me to eat/drink…

2. What’s your favorite food blog and why?-i have just recently started reading food blogs and i would have to say my favorite so far is baking, books and booze. three of my favorite things, and the ladies who write it are down right funny.

3. Who’s your favorite celebrity chef?-whichever one will show up at my house and teach me how to whip up amazing meals in under twenty minutes with just the contents of my kitchen…

4. What’s your favorite kitchen tool?-the meat tenderizer-hands down-very therapeutic, makes the chicken cook faster, and something a little more exoctic than the potato peeler…

5. When it comes to cooking/baking, what’s your specialty?-since i am not one to brag [read i do not have a specialty,its amazing the boys are not starving] i would have to go with baking, i make a mean chocolate peanut butter chip cookie…

6. When in the kitchen, do you wear an apron, if so, any cute ones you’d like to share?-i don’t wear and apron, i don’t even own one, the concept seems foreign to me. but when i was growing up, my grandmother had given me a bag of all sorts of different styled aprons and my friends and i would construct dresses and what not out of them and run around the neighborhood playing gypsies…true story!

7. Is there anything that intimidates you when it comes to baking/cooking? (ex. Pie crust, yeast breads, sauces, etc…)-i would have to go with pretty much anything in my new cookbook the Joy of Cooking. i am determined to overcome this intimidation and make at least two if not more recipes that call for ‘halving’ something, or sifting, or separating. most of my training in the kitchen came from working in group homes. i got really good at making bland food for lots of people in a small amount of time…

8. What’s the weirdest gadget in your kitchen?-i am not sure if this counts as a gadget and i am pretty sure it has been thrown out by now, but the wine bottle i used to roll out the cookie dough was rather odd, resourceful, but odd…

9. What’s your go-to music for cooking/baking?-whatever is running through my head

10. After several failures, what do you do to motivate yourself to get back in the kitchen to try again?-remind myself that we cannot afford to have take out every night of the week, works WONDERS!

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