
Archive for October, 2011




Say these words:
Aunt, route, wash, oil, theatre, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, sure, data, ruin, crayon, toilet, New Orleans, pecan, both, again, probably, spitting image, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, syrup, pajamas, caught

And answer these questions:
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that curls into a ball when you touch it?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you use to change the TV channel?

and that is that! hope everyone has a fantastic friday!!! do i sound like you thought i would?

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whoa…twice in one month? baby steps, that is all. here is another batch of ten questions hosted by the lovely chelsea. they are all about vacation and i am feeling the need for a vacation….

1. You’re packing for a week long vacation, do you pack ahead of time or wait until the last possible minute to pack?- i usually make a list and then start packing a few days ahead of time, have to time the laundry with everything else that is going on…its a delicate balance…

2. Are you a light or heavy packer?- i like to think a light packer. we almost always go somewhere with a washer and dryer, however i am also responsible for everyone soaps, shampoos, ect…and that stuff? gets heavy!

3. What are your favorite road trip snacks?- twizzlers…

4. Do you take any reading material along?- i will always take at least one book, at least…

5. Do you prefer to drive or fly to your vacation destination?- i love to fly because it gets you to the place and the vacation quicker, but i also love to drive to enjoy the scenery and stop at quirky places…

6. What is your favorite time of the year to take your vacation?- anytime is a good time!

7. Where is your favorite place to vacation?- we tend to go someplace new every year. I LOVED seattle and we just went up to stowe vermont, which was also perfect…

8. You are vacationing in the mountains, what is your favorite thing to do while there?- sit and stare, after hiking…

9. You are at the beach for your vacation,  do you like to take it easy on the beach or play all day in the water?- i like to take it easy…i think…

10. While your on vacation do you prefer to eat out every night or cook some of your own meals?- much rather eat in with a smattering of eating out, restaurant food can get old pretty quick…

Happy Tuesday!!!

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ten on tuesday…

did you know this ten questions on tuesday thing has hit a milestone?  its true, this is the 100th episode. I am celebrating by actually blogging, something i had almost forgotten how to do. so many thanks to chelsea for hosting, and lots of congratulations for hosting for that many times!! and here we go…

1. How do you take your coffee?- iced and black. even in the winter…

2. Do you prefer soft or crispy chocolate chip cookies?- i love chocolate, and i love cookies which would lead some to believe that soft vs. crispy would be a non-issue…well that just isnt true, i like my cookies soft, chewy or even gooey, the softer the better…

3. Do you wear a belt everyday?-no. but i should. there are still times where i have problems getting the right sized pant/jean. and when i wear those pants/jeans, i spend the first half of the day constantly pulling up my pants/jeans and the second half of the day going “duh…you have a belt…at home, on that shelf in the closet…”

4. What is your favorite color combination?- i am not sure i have one combination that i like better than others. i think i am much more apt to say i dont like a combination instead of picking a favorite..

5. Do you like sour candy?- every once in awhile. i like the sour worms that come out at halloween time…

6. How often do you do laundry?- at least once a week, which in the grand scheme of things is not all that much…

7. Did you ever wear braces?- i did, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that now. i even wore the head gear, but i figure the abnormally large tonsils i had even after i went through all the rigors of braces ultimately reversed anything the good dr. seabold tried to fix…

8. Are you good at Roman Numerals?- only up to the number ten…

9. What is your favorite form of social media?-i love it all!!

10. How do you feel about chin dimples?- indifferent, don’t think i have ever put that much thought into them…

This is kev and i on the top of mount mansfield in vermont on our second wedding anniversary…man i have a lot to catch up on…

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