
Posts Tagged ‘boats and stuff!’

what the underside of I95 looks like…

and this is my fearless man acting in the navigator capacity…

that was taken before we ventured out into the sound and he got SOAKED! a coworker of kevin just got his first boat, we motored down the river and moored in old saybrook and had an amazing brunch, the red bliss potato’s are to die for, did i mention this brunch was amazing!

i have to give myself a pat on the back, being on the water all day, not a cloud in the sky, i did not get one bit of sun burn, my nuetrogena spray stuff that is like spf 70, works, which is good because wearing this:

really would have been major hurt the next day! and no that is not my hunch back growing, i think its my shoulder blade, which for a long time i never even knew it stuck out like that! we had a gorgeous day, with really good company and like i said before amazing food! what a great way to kick off the summer!

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