
Archive for May, 2008

eating chapstick…

when my sister and i were very young, many many many moons ago, my mom sold avon. so with all the hideous shades of eye shadow (which applying is still a mystery to me) and lipsticks and stinky perfume samples, my mom would also receive chap stick samples. now i do not quite remember if the favored flavor was just a holiday special or not, but my sister loved the chap stick. when i say loved, i mean, apply it so much and lick it off it was “causing” the chapped lips. it got to a point where instead of applying the minty goodness, she would just take a bite out of it. needless to say, we went through a lot of chapstick. i bring this up because the other day nick and i were shopping for kevins birthday presents. at the grocery store, nick said he needed some chapstick. becuase i am so cool, i let him pick some fruity smoothy combination pack. with heated anticipation he opened the chapstick in the car and smelled and applied all three. which reminded me of my sister, heatedly applying/eating her minty christmas type chapstick from avon so many years ago. in nicks excitement i told him “you know, mary used to eat chap stick” nick replied with a “REALLY?” me “oh yeah, like all the time” well after that i thought the subject had died. every few mornings nick would come over to me and say “did mary REALLY eat chap stick?” my response ” oh yes she did!” which brings us to yesterday afternoon, nick was done with his reading and had to use the bathroom because that is what nick does when ever he is told to do something else. when he came back out, he said “that was so gross, why did mary ever do that” and i looked at him puzzled and wanted to know what? “i just ate some chap stick, oh man that was disgusting” why did you do that? “i wanted to know what mary was talking about!” ohhh.

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what the underside of I95 looks like…

and this is my fearless man acting in the navigator capacity…

that was taken before we ventured out into the sound and he got SOAKED! a coworker of kevin just got his first boat, we motored down the river and moored in old saybrook and had an amazing brunch, the red bliss potato’s are to die for, did i mention this brunch was amazing!

i have to give myself a pat on the back, being on the water all day, not a cloud in the sky, i did not get one bit of sun burn, my nuetrogena spray stuff that is like spf 70, works, which is good because wearing this:

really would have been major hurt the next day! and no that is not my hunch back growing, i think its my shoulder blade, which for a long time i never even knew it stuck out like that! we had a gorgeous day, with really good company and like i said before amazing food! what a great way to kick off the summer!

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more friday fun stuff…

i want to have a glass of wine and read the trashiest tabloid i can find, sitting outside under a tree.

would love to eat shrimp

do not want to fall out of the boat on the ct river

need to find a bathing suit, however i do not thing the world should be exposed to that

people in my office think i have weird eating habits… i KNOW i have weird eating habits, including not liking yogurt, pies, fruit with dessert and pasta don’t forget the extreme dislike of tomato’s.

i read the entertainment weekly issue excuse me double issue about sex and the city the movie and would like nothing more than to watch all the episodes in comfy clothes eating ice cream. and i totally need to see said movie, am contemplating buying my tickets…um now!

i know that would never happen, so i will be just as content being outside for a game, taking hobbes for a walk and trolling down the river.

my mother sent me a political correctness email about men and women and it was rather funny, inlcuding these little tidbits:

She is not a ‘SCREAMER’ or a ‘MOANER’- She is ‘VOCALLY  APPRECIATIVE.’



She does not get  ‘DRUNK’ or ‘TIPSY’-She gets ‘CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED.’

or for being politically correct toward men:

He does not have  a ‘BEER GUT’ – He has developed a ‘LIQUID GRAIN



It’s not his ‘CRACK’ you see hanging out of his  pants – It’s ‘REAR  CLEAVAGE ‘

ahh thanks mom, just when i was beginning to question whether or not you were really politically correct! here’s to a great memorial day!!

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happy birthday Kevin!!!

with an awesome cake and a little league win! and a rainbow:

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no joke…

i was just watching cbs evening news and the heading under the story about american idol was spelled american idle? REALLY?

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i have no idea! so after an after school detention yesterday i had to remind nick that if we had the same problem today, there may be no more frosted cheerie os. i know i know, add kid and sugar cereal, not a good combination but he has handled it so far very well, and there isn’t much more sugar then whats in kix, hummm.

kevins birthday is coming up, besides the billy joel tickets and a little something i picked up last week, i don’t have much, but i am not too concerned, i think i may jet over to the shopping mecca…right near dsw…and pick up something that i have in mind. no not shoes! but why wouldn’t he like shoes?

i am really looking forward to the long weekend, can i say that enough? we are going to go out on the river with a coworker who has a boat! very excited!

we are now at fort knox at work, code and everything. very high tech. that’s all i can say about that.

went to see k the other night, she has prom coming up. her dress is very pretty, but i do not think i like her “other” mentor. she acts more like a mom, reminding her that she is eating too many mashed potatoes and that she certainly cannot wear light blue eyeshadow to prom. now i never read a mentoring 101 book, nor have been trained in it. i thought my job was just to be there for her like a friend/role model type person, maybe her “other” mentor read the book. i just really didn’t like the way she talked to k, and it was everything. maybe i am developing mentor envy because the “other” mentor can afford to buy k all sorts of stuff and take her to have her nails done. but i look back at the over a year and a half that we have been working (?) together and i have supplied many different things to k, i like to think its not about the stuff with her, but i would hate to think that is the only reason why she likes her “other” mentor. just something i got under my skin and it still kinda bothers me.

my bosses daughter is engaged to someone she has been going on and off with for years, who happens to be in the marines. its rather comical, my bosses reactions, her latest thing is she wants to get married in newport, where two other people i know have either had ceromonies or receptions at, i think my bosses biggest thing is who is going to pay for that?

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oh and don’t forget the preakness!! could be a triple crown year. i feel i should explain my horse racing fascination. i have always loved horses, every christmas list that i would put together from the age i could speak until i was 16 was a list that had a horse and all the crap that accompanys them. (thank you daddy for finally caving!) add to my love of horses my competitive side and whala! horse racing! my lifelong dream was to become a large animal vet, work at churchill downs, then retire early and race/train/raise my own racehorses. i even had names picked out and was the only 12 year i knew who had a subscription to Thoroughbred Times. my favorite questions while playing trivial pursuit and other various trivia games in college included horse racing facts and listing the winners of the triple crown. no one liked when i asked the questions-mostly because it usually involved drinking if you got the answer wrong. so after the very devastating derby, big brown has won the preakness and is one race away from history, and not to completely give my age away, i was born the year of the last triple crown winner and have been patiently waiting to witness another.

so enough about that, i do not want to jinx anything, the rest of the weekend was a little league game, tough loss but the other guy who coaches the team who shall not be named wanted to protest the game, i think they should have let him, its coaches like that that make the whole experience not fun for kids, just once i would love to see nicks team beat that guy! the kid was totally out, the rules say they HAVE to slide at home if there is any type of play! the kid didnt even attempt to slide, very fishy!

after that we went to mystic to watch them re-launch a boat. i just thought it was cool because i saw them take the same boat out! saw my friend mike and let me just say he looks so GREAT! i had to do a double take to make sure it was him! way to go MOF!

on sunday, kevin and i took a drive up to cornwall and i got to go over the covered bridge. it was so cool and a gorgeous ride, and its little things like that, that just proves kevin loves me so much! he knew i would like it and was happy to show it too.

the covered bridge its one of the oldest, one lane and all! very very cool!

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thanks to La for this meme, otherwise i was going to have to be incredibly boring or not write at all:

4 Things I did 10 years ago (1998):

1. Pierced my eyebrow
2. Lived off campus for the summer then with a semi-crazy roommate on campus
3. spent many many nights at the local waterhole with off campus roomates (underage of course)
4. Never. Got. Carded

4 Things I did 5 years ago (2003)

1. Worked at a Girl Scout Camp
2. Was lifeguard at said camp and health director
3. brought home hobbes
4. got ready to move out to connecticut

4 Things I did yesterday:

1. fed the boys
2. updated my ipod
3. watched a little league game
4. dreamed of friday

4 TV shows I love to watch:

1. dirty jobs
2. Sex and the City
3. Histories Mysteries
4. Friends

4 Things I love to do:

1. play softball
2. go to museums
3. horseback riding
4. reading/writing

Have a great weekend!!!

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yeah it worked!!!

Here is photographic proof that trinity college and i will get along just fine! just have to figure out how to pay for it now…

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whoo hoo! so a little update on nicks upper lip, other than the fact that he looks a little like hitler, he will be just fine. apperently at practice last night he was scared of any ball that came within two feet of him, but tonight we took him to the batting cages and he hit really good and didnt seem to be scared. hopefully we have beaten the scaredness of the ball and he will be able to not think about being hit tomorrow during his game. we shall see! i guess a good sign of healing is the fact that he now wants to pick the scab, i try to tell him that is not the way to go and if he did he would end up with a permanant hitler scar, although i am not totally sure if he knows who hitler is. but me being the history nerd could totally educate him!

so my good friend mags sent me this and i thought it was pretty fun:

Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here’s what you’re supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Copy this entire email and paste into a new email that you can send, change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times (that means you have lots of friends).

1. What is your occupation? registration assistant
2. What color are your socks right now? none, its after april 1st!

3. What are you listening to right now? all of my days by alexi murdoch
4. What was the last thing that you ate? steamed broccoli, yumm
5.Can you drive a stick shift? no, and i have tried, however i have a tendency to break them
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Mary!!

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Love her!
9. How old are you today? i dont age, i am timelss…hummm

10. Favorite drink? johnathan edwards cabernet franc… 
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? baseball, football, hockey, and horse racing.. could be a triple crown!
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? many many times and ps. i love your hair mags!
13. Pets? hobbes and a 12 year old (does that count)
14. Favorite food? ohhh thats tough…i would have to go with lobster or anything that needs garlic and butter.
15. Last movie you watched? alien vs predetor (i fell asleep at the beginning) so P.S i love you… tear jerker
16. Favorite Day of the year? christmas eve
17. What do you do to vent anger? listen to music very very loud 

18. What was your favorite toy as a child? my barbie horses, or my softball glove, or my little ponies. my sister and i beds that were intergral in our “gymnastic” performances

19. What is your favorite season? Fall had to copy mags on that one

20. HUGS OR KISSES? both please

21. Cherry or Blueberry? fresh cherries complete with pits…can you tie a knot with the stem using only your tongue?
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? i would certainly enjoy the break
23. Who is most likely to respond? racheal
24. Who is least likely to respond? mary-she is very important in the prison business…

25. What happened to Ricky Martin? the crazy hip guy with fake hair? yeah dont miss him
26. When was the last time you cried? day of the kentucky derby…rip eight bells
27. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes and hobbes hair

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? mags/mary (but shes family)
29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? i guess rach

30. Favorite smells? kevins cologne… makes me melt/feel safe, or the smell of barns

31. Who inspires you?  ugly jen and everything that she went through, so anything that resembles me 2004 or previous

32. What are you afraid of? loosing those closest to me

33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? cheese please

34. Favorite car? mustang gt

35. Favorite cat breed? dead…just kidding, something calico with six toes i guess

36. Number of keys on your key ring? 4
37. How many years at your current job? almost a year…i do miss the seaport

38. Favorite day of the week? friday!!!

39. How many states have you lived in? 3
40. Do you think you’re funny? not at all, maybe a little sarcastic

so duh, this was an email, but i thought it would be fun to put in here,now if only wordpress wouldnt suck so  much and not let me put in the photos to go along with the answers!


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