
Posts Tagged ‘mystic’

this weekend…

hpim1068.jpg the budweiser horses are so cool! this is the third time in my life i have seen them and every time they just get cooler and cooler! how much of a nerd am i?   hpim1064.jpg  if you look closley our good friend MOF is there doing what he does best… i would kill for his job right about then! and MOF it was great to see you, and you look fabulous by the way, have you bought new jeans yet?hpim1060.jpg   what a gorgeous day and of course loved the horses! then we walked around downtown, which is one of kevins favorite places, that goes without saying it is for sure mine as well. on sunday i took k to old weathersfield and we walked around the town and she actually had a good time, sometimes i am hesitant to take her to places that i think are great but she is just a teen, but then again i think she just appreciates someone who will take her out and not judge her. well back to the daily grind! have a great week! 

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