
Archive for April, 2011

ohh, ten on tuesday questions all about books. I love books and am beginning to read for fun again after two years of graduate school reading, which for the most part wasnt all that bad, but there were some articles that made me want to poke my eyeballs out…just saying! as always ten on tuesday is brought to us by the lovely chelsea over at roots and rings. send her happy fixed pipe vibes…

1. When someone asks you for a book recommendation, what is your go-to book?- for a while now it has been The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane. i read this book last summer on a hunch and fell in love with the story, and  the character. it just enchanted me in a way that not many books have done…

2.  Do you buy your books, or are you a library patron?-both, if a book is really good i will buy it even if i read it from the library. i like to have the books i have read on my shelves kinda like trophies…

3.  E-readers, yay or nay?- not yet, not sure how i feel about not actually holding a book and turning the pages…

4.  What was your favorite book as a child?- Fritz and the Beautiful Horses. Fritz (my nickname) was a pony who lived outside of the walled city where all the beautiful horses lived. long story short, he saved the children and they took him in and dressed him fancy like the other horses. my favorite book as a child…

5.  If you could be any character in a book, who would you be?- i would be shelia from Secret of the Unicorn Queen. Why? because she was transported to a parrallell universe where women were fighting an evil sorcerer while riding unicorns…duh…

6.  What book would you love to see turned into a movie?- The Historian…

7.  What is your all-time favorite book?- in keeping with the horse theme…The Black Stallion…

8.  How many books do you read at once?- sometimes just one, sometimes more than one, really depends on my mood…

9.  What is your favorite book genre?- history. but i am finding myself enjoying historical fiction and chick lit…

10.  Which Harry Potter book is the best?  Or haven’t you read them at all?- i cant decide between the third, sixth or seventh…

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ten on tuesday…

so i started a new job last week, its great, its a lot, and i am just now catching my breath and figuring things out. so with that i figured ten on tuesday would be just perfect! thanks to chelsea for hosting (she has a new job too, but seems to be able to manage a new job, baby, and blog much better than i!)

1. If you work, do you drive to work or take public transportation?– i drive, i would love to take public transportation, but i don’t think that is an option with the new job…

2. How often do you get your haircut? Do you go to the same person every time?– um…maybe once  year, or so, i don’t remember the last time i had it cut. i do remember that it got to a point that i hated my hair so much i just wanted to shave it all off, of course i didn’t and the person i went to was great, but since it was so long ago, i don’t remember who it was, which means i probably wont go see them again…

3. Do you read the newspaper? If so, a hardcopy or the online version?– online version, but i love it when i visit someone who has the hard copies!

4. What is the best book you have read this year?– i haven’t read an entire book yet this year. and i just realized how sad that sounds. i have started water for elephants and i am more than half way through, but it just hasn’t held my interest like i thought it would, i hate that it is still sitting on the counter, half read, but i haven’t brought myself to pick it up to just finish…

5. What is the best movie you have seen this year?– i would have to say so far that “Get Low” was pretty great. i would totally throw myself a party before i die. but i know that the BEST movie of the year isn’t out in theaters yet, so i will patiently wait for tickets to the final harry potter movie to become available…

6. Do you tend to crave sweet or salty foods?– sweet…all the time…

7. Do you eat breakfast every day? If so, what do you have?– yes, either a bagel or a cereal bar…boring and not that healthy i know…

8. If you celebrate Easter, what Easter treat/candy are you most looking forward to?– reeses peanut butter eggs…hands down the best. i like them in the shape of trees and the hearts are alright, but the eggs taste the best…don’t ask because i do not know why…

9. How late is “sleeping in” to you?– i used to be able to sleep in like it was my job, but something changed and now sleeping in “late” is 9:30…

10. Where are you going on your next vacation?– myrtle beach!

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