
Archive for May, 2010

ten on tuesday….

ooohhhh once again the ten questions everyone is dying to know the answers to yet not brave enough to ask…(hehehe) Thanks to Chelsea at Roots and Rings!!!!

1. What is your favorite piece of furniture in your house?– Our Brand Spanking New Bed. hands down, best investment ever. I think this purchase sealed my fate as actually being an adult…

2. If it was raining so hard on a Saturday that you couldn’t leave your house, what would you spend the day doing?– hum, well if the power is still on i can see myself watching an old movie, curling up with a book, maybe baking something, cleaning if i am absolutely desperately bored, and of course facebooking it!

3. What was your favorite candy as a child?– lip stick candy and candy cigarettes. we used to have a five and dime store up the street from where i grew up. on special days we could walk up there and for ten cents get lip stick candy. i have NO idea who makes it, what exactly it consisted of, and if it is even made anymore. but for those years growing up i loved me the lip stick candy! which if i think about is a little ironic, one would think that i would be all about the lip stick now, but i find it is a bit of a let down…probably because the real stuff does not taste like candy…

4. Did you get an allowance? What was it based on? What did you do with it?– no i did not get an allowance, but i would help around the house and if i needed anything it was never a problem. i guess my parents were a bit different, i say this because i was also never grounded and we didn’t have cable until i was senior in highschool…

5. Do you have a favorite Etsy store?– i havent spent enough time perusing etsy to have a favorite, which is probably a good thing…

6. Do you prefer time with family or time with friends?– i am finding more and more that i prefer family time over friend time. i think at some point in my life i realized that family will always be there and friends maybe not so much…

7. Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons, or Animaniacs?– i LOVE cartoons, so i am going to pick from just those three listed. i have to go with Animaniacs, Hands Down, one of the funniest cartoons ever made. the adult humor behind them still gets me every time, i mean come on, they have bill clinton playing the sax in their intro…Brilliant!

8. Best daytime talk show: Oprah, Ellen, The Doctors, Tyra (ha!), Dr. Oz, or Dr. Phil?– and this is where i admit once again to living in a cave. i have never seen an entire episode of any of those shows, ellen seems clever, oprah has some good insight, the rest, i have no idea. i guess i would rather spend my afternoons reading, doing homework, or just generally away from the television…

9. Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the ability to fly?– ohh that’s  a toughy, if i were invisible i could spy on people, but if i could fly i could go anywhere, but if i could fly would i have to register with the NTSB and go through security every time i wanted to take off, that would get old. but if i were invisible would the government want to tap into that power and make me spy for them? decisions decisions…

10. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult.just knowing that if i wanted to, i could have cake for breakfast…

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baseball season is in full swing again and like every year, each players parents are responsible to run the concession stand for one day. my game was last night, well technically it was tuesday, but that game was rained out and i had a glimmer of hope that maybe? just maybe…we would be off the hook. No. Such. Luck.  so last night as all the parents congregated on the bleachers or set up their folding chairs, i hiked my happy ass over to the shed/concession stand. thankfully there was a chair and for the most part i was able to look around the pole and see the game. while serving poweraides and ring pops, i observed a few things…

  • the ever popular shorts with black socks and black shoes…why?
  • paying with sticky money will result with you getting sticky candy…
  • when on earth did going to a kids baseball game become a fashion show? I mean Really? that woman has a different pair of matching stilettos for each and every outfit. None of which i have seen more than once…
  • Nothing like a little light reading, say The Day In The Life of Rome
  • Really? a camel pack. what are you really drinking through that mouthpiece? perhaps that “beverage” will help you with your light reading…
  • if there is a god, he will make a sink magically appear so i can wash my hands. i have NEVER handled so much slimy, sticky, sweaty-because-i-have-been-sitting-on  money before…YUCK…
  • twisted berry ring pops are tasty…
  • gaggles of tweenage girls annoy me, hordes of tweenie boys are just silly…

thankfully, i survived, the team won, and it will only take a while to forget the whole thing ever happened…until next year…

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pretty interesting questions this week…Thanks Chelsea!!

1. If your name was a verb, what would “to Chelsea” mean? (Insert your own name though…)-“To Jen” would be to break/smash or somehow wound yourself in a way that normal, non-clumsy people could not achieve. For instance…breaking your arm during a basketball game because you were running backwards and tripped over your own feet (or the line as i like to claim!)

2. What myth have you always wanted to prove or bust?
– I am not sure if this should be proven or busted, but the myth that intrigues me the most is the “things happen in three’s” myth…does anyone else ever witness this?
3. If you had the ability to get a message out to the entire world, what would you say?– Slow Down…
4. I know you’ve answered a similar question before, but it’s been awhile. Please name your current top 10 blogs.-ohhh this could be tough… 1) Knowing the Difference 2)Walking Through the Rain 3)These Little Moments 4) Mommy Wants Vodka 5) Vast Public Indifference 6)Grumbles and Grunts 7) Better After 8) Hooked on Houses 9) Roots and Rings 10) Take These Chances of course there are many more and these are in no specific order but they are all ones that I look forward to reading.
5. Do you have a junk drawer?– um? Yes. And I will leave it at that…

6. Bottled water or tap?
– Dont care as long as it is cold!

7. As a kid, did you have a favorite Biblical story?
– I was always fascinated by Noah’s Ark and how on gods green earth he fit two of EVERY. SINGLE. ANIMAL. on one boat!
8. What is your favorite black and white movie?– Stalag 13. The movie that The Great Escape and Hogans Heros is based on…yes i know this seals my nerdom!

9. Aside from your engagement/wedding rings, what is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
Does it have a story behind it?-This may be cliché but one of my absolute favorite pieces is my Pandora Bracelet. Two Valentines ago, Kevin and I agreed to not get each other anything because we were taking Nick up to Boston. The morning before we left he surprised me with the bracelet and three charms, one with hearts, a Murano Glass bead, and the letter N.
10. What sports/activites do you hope your kids will be involved in? (Answer for both a boy and a girl)-baseball!!!

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thursday thoughts…

  • my dad HATES broccoli (so maybe hate is a weak term) DESPISES broccoli. so much so that if broccoli is present on a plate, or even made in the same vicinity as his dish, he knows, he can taste it, and claims it ruins his food. i always thought this was a bit off. untill today… we had some leftover pizza from dinner that i packed for my lunch. i noticed a darker spot on the ‘all cheese’ pizza, but didn’t think much of it. until i went to eat it. the dark spot was super dark and upon further investigation i realized there was spinach… under the cheese. i HATE, no DESPISE, anything green on my pizza, so much so that i will refuse to get half and half because i am certain that green things on half the pizza will RUIN my side of the pizza. i picked that green stuff off my piece and thought…”my dad may be on to something…”
  • the other day i was walking hobbes and glanced at the ground and saw something odd. no it wasnt odd it was down right weird. in the grass was a fish. not a cooked or prepared fish from someones meal, a fish, like it had just been plucked from the ocean, fish. the entire body of the fish was just resting in the grass. my first thought was to keep hobbes away from it because i am sure he would think it was a great idea to put that in his mouth. i spent three days diverting hobbes from ‘the fish’ until yesterday, when they mowed the lawn. the fish is now fertilizer.
  • i have a weird fear of dogs eating random things off the ground. i had a dog once named bear. he was “special” and one night my sister and i were walking him in a giant lawn across the street from my parents house. it was dark and saw him pick something up. and then i saw him start munching on something. i went to investigate  and found a dehydrated rat in his mouth. logically i started FREAKING out, which sent my sister into a tirade of “GET IT OUT!”  How??? “HIT THE BACK OF HIS HEAD!” all the while i am screaming, “EWWWWW ITS A RAT!!!!!” eventually he let it go, and we went on with our lives. but that incident, has forever scared me and to this day, i will not let hobbes get even close to picking something up…
  • bear once even caught a bird in mid-flight. my sister was there for that too. i had taken him out in the back yard and he spooked a flock of birds. i thought nothing of it until i saw him lunge towards a bird at his eye level, that’s when i started yelling for my sister. he totally plucked that bird out of mid-flight.

and that is thursday!!!

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since finishing the semester and getting reacquainted with life outside of homework, i felt a ten on tuesday was the perfect way to ease back into this blogging thing. as always we have the lovely roots and rings to thank for this (and pssst CONGRATULATIONS its a boy!!!) i have been not-so-patiently waiting along with the both of them about this announcement, but i am not even sure i said congrats when they announced their pregnancy, you see, that is what grad school does to you…robs you of all social niceties…anywhoodle…without further adieu…

1. What was your high school superlative (if you didn’t have one- what would it have been)? No joke, i was voted most likely to frolic over a hill and dale. I have yet to come across one, but i am pretty sure they were right on. I was also voted most athletic (or i was like number three on that list or something) certainly these did not influence where i am at today…
2. What sports did you play in high school? – Basketball and Softball. I loved softball, lived softball, played in college-until i got mono and figured out there was more to life than 6am practices and bitchy softball coaches…
3.  What was the best part about your wedding (if you’re not married yet, what are you looking forward to)?- i cant just pick one thing, the entire day was perfect right down to the boat ride out to long island sound and on the way back the beautiful sunset on our left and full moon rising on the right…
4. It’s your last meal– what Appetizer, Soup, Salad, Entree and Dessert would you choose? Appetizer-Shrimp Cocktail, Soup-Lobster Bisque, Salad-something with lots of different greens, cheeses, red onion, and NEVER touched by tomato, Entree-Lobster, Dessert-Kentucky Derby Pie…
5.  What song is your guilty pleasure?-Currently? Anything by Lady GaGa, i cant explain it…
6.  What is your favorite professional sports team, and why do you like them?- Detroit Red Wings, although this question could be an entire dissertation…
7.  What is your favorite reality show and why do you like it?- I am not big on the reality shows, i would have to admit though to being totally addicted to Deadliest Catch, how they work in those conditions is beyond me…
8. How would you classify your home decorating style (modern, classic, french country)?- I have a 900 square foot apartment, my goal is to have everything clean and fit, however we do have some pieces that my husband refers to as the “KJ” style, i am sure when we have a house that will be our decorating style…
9. Pizza- deep dish or thin crust? White sauce or red sauce? What toppings?- I grew up thinking that Little Ceasars was the best pizza on the planet. Ever. but now that i am a bit wiser, i have to lean more towards the thin crust, you can never have too much cheese and pretty much anything else excluding whole tomatoes, fish, or green things…
10.  Favorite weekend getaway within a two hour driving radius?- that is a tough choice, i love New York as well as Boston, Newport, The Berkshires, Maine, the possibilities are endless…

and there you have it…

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