
Archive for January, 2011

ten on a snowy tuesday…

yet again its snowing, and its tuesday! but no snow days this time, we are holding out for thursday instead! thanks again to the loveryly chelsea for hosting…

1. Do you decorate for Valentine’s day?– no, only recently did we get our living room back from christmas. plus i am not a fan of pink and hearts…

2. Does your desktop have a picture or computer graphic? Is it organized?– my picture is of hobbes and yes it is organized. at work i have about four folders on the desktop and on my laptop its just a picture i took of sunflowers…

3. Do you use a paper planner, electric planner or no planner at all?– while in school i had to have the paper planner, just couldnt stay organized any other way…now that i am done with school and have a phone that is smarter than i am, i use that calendar, so far so good!

4. Do you change purses or bags often or stick with a good thing?– rarely. i never was a purse person until i moved to connecticut and got hooked on a small vera bradley bag. then it grew to an obsession with coach purses, but those are not practical when carrying school crap. so for the past two and a half years i have been carrying  a messenger bag with a fiffinella patch sewn on and a coach wristlet. but again with school being done, i have found myeslf carrying around my coach wristlet in a lacoste bag my friend gave me, all the while wanting to get something a bit bigger and a bit more wintery. so to answer the question, i think it goes in phases…

5. What’s your favorite YouTube Video?– cats playing patty cake…i dont even like cats…

or my dogs internet singing debut, but i am biased on that one…

6. Do you use Turbo Tax or a real person to pay your taxes?– i use my husband, and i think he uses turbo tax. i tend to curl up into a little ball and rock myself back and forth in the corner…i hate taxes!

7. How many states have you set foot (or tire) in? Which ones?- every state east of the mississippi, nevada, washington, and iowa…

8. How many countries have you been in? Which ones?-two. ours and canada. although growing up in michigan we never felt like canada was a different country…

9. How many pillows are in your house? (Sleeping or decorative)– i am not sure, but i do know they are all for sleeping, i lack the decorative pillow gene. in fact i lack the decorating gene…

10. How cold is too cold for flip flops?– if its cold enough for snow, its cold enough for socks with flip flops, if the snow gets over two inches, then its time to put real shoes on…

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as i sit here waiting for work to decide wether or not i need to drive through the two feet of snow+sleet+freezing rain+crap…i think this is a perfect time to once again indulge in a round of ten on tuesday questions brought to us by the lovely chelsea at roots and rings…

1. What’s your favorite color to paint your nails?- i rarely paint my finger nails. i just cannot seem to not peel the polish off after only a few hours. i do however, always paint my toenails. my favorite brand in sally hansen and this past summer they came out with HD (high definition) colors that are bright and sparkly. currently i am wearing the bright, sparkly, blue which has a name that escapes me right now…

2. Do you like to sneeze?- only if it is once or twice. any more than three times i start to get annoyed and know i should start pumping the vitamins to ward off a cold…

3. How often do you fill up your car with gas?- usually once a week. but it all depends on how much and how far we are driving during the week for baseball, since those clinics and work outs are beginning more and more frequently, i can see us filling up more during the week…

4. Were you named after anyone?- my first name no. my middle name is tradition in the fritzen family. all the girls have mary or a form of mary in their name, hence jennifer marie…

5. Have you made any good recipes lately?- the last time we were snowed in (oh…that was just a week ago…) i found the perfect peanut butter cookie recipe. its simple, tasty and the consistency of the cookies is perfect…yumm peanut butter cookies…

6. What’s an easy money-saving tip that you use regularly?- stop buying coffee every. single. morning.

7. Would you rather have a sore throat or an ear ache?- not sure, a sore throat sucks because you can’t eat or talk without being in pain, but you can use those nasty sprays or cough drops to numb it. whereas an ear ache is something that is not as easily treated and causes more irritation then they are worth. so i guess a sore throat…

8. Do you have any scars? What are they from?- oh yes, many, many, scars. i was a tomboy growing up so i have the usually scared up knees from falling off of bikes, out of trees, and sliding into catchers during softball games. i have a giant scar on my stomach from the surgery and other ones from a previous life. i do not however have the typical scar on my forehead from chicken pox, because i never really had chicken pox…

9. What are you “known for” in your circle of friends/family?- i am known as a sponge for useless knowledge-everyone wants me on their trivia team…

10. How do you like to eat your pancakes?-plain with butter and cinnamon sugar. no syrup, i don’t like it, its sticky. just the thought of syrup makes me want to wash my hands…excuse me now, i have to go wash my sticky hands…

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it snowed…


in fact, it is still snowing…


in the seven plus years of living in connecticut, i have finally been impressed with a nor’easter!


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ten on tuesday…

it’s the new year and instead of making resolutions and listing everything i did in 2010, i will just answer another batch of ten on tuesday questions hosted by the lovely chelsea. i do have every intention of blogging the inner-most random thoughts i have had recently but i am having a hard time putting those random thoughts into coherent paragraphs. so without further adieu…

1. Is there a band/artist that you HATE? -this is a tough one, i enjoy all sorts of music. my ipod ranges from blues to metal, rap to country, alternative to pop with even a sprinkling of barbershop music. yes you read that right, barbershop quartets. four part harmony that i grew up with thanks to my dad. but there is one artist who grates on my nerves, whose voice makes me want to stick blunt objects in my eyes, mariah carey. if i never have to hear another song from her i can safely say my life would be no less empty…

2. What do you do when you get a gift that you do not like? How do you react?-i am a firm believer in it’s the thought that counts and i will certainly not lead on that i do not like a certain gift, and if i don’t like it, the gifter will never know. case in point, a few years ago we received a night-light, we still have the night-light, it’s still in its box and appears twice a year. once when the christmas decorations come up from the basement and again when we pack the decorations and put them back in the basement. why? because it’s the thought that counts…

3. How is your work office/cubicle decorated?- well there is no real theme, i have random pictures on the wall and cork board and my desk is surrounded by tactfully stacked boxes containing the ghosts of fiscal years past. its cozy…

4. Do you use all of your vacation every year?-on purpose!!

5. Did you have a real or fake Christmas tree?-we have a fake tree. when kevin and i first started dating he decided to decorate a tree he had purchased a few christmas’ prior. it had never been out of the box. that year we put it up and had a lovely christmas with just the two of us.  miraculously the tree returned to the box, then we moved it to our apartment and still use it. unfortunately i think this will be the last year for this tree, certain limbs no longer light up and you can only strategically place so many un-lit limbs towards the back of the tree…

6. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be?-lobster, i have had a hankering since november…

7. Do you bite your fingernails?-i used to, so much so that i would hear my mother in my dreams saying “get your fingers out of your mouth!” but then one day i stopped and haven’t even thought about it since…

8. How many cups of coffee do you drink each day?-three, all iced…

9. Do you have a nervous tick?-not that i am aware of. but i have been known to instantly develop one if the situation presents itself…

10.  How often do you vacuum?-the place is vacuumed once a week, but not by me…

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