
Archive for April, 2012

Ten on Tuesday…

so it has been a while, but i liked these questions and felt the need to ease back to blogging… thanks chelsea!!

1. Would you rather give up pedicures or flat/curling irons?- hands down, curling irons and flat irons, i have no idea how to operate either. middle school was an unfortunate time for my bangs and the curling irons did not help…

2. Does your middle name have a family meaning?- yes, everyone on my dads side has mary in their name…

3. Do you like to sneeze?- yes, except when driving and trying to itch the bottom of your foot that is also pressing on the accelerator…

4. Do you think kids should need to learn cursive?-absolutely, its a sad thing when the younger generation cannot read a hand written note from a relative, its bad enough they hardly know about snail mail…

5. When you go to the beach for the day, what do you take?-sunscreen…lots of sunscreen…

6. Which decade had the best music?- im going to answer with decade did not have the best music and I am sorry but that had to be the 80s…just saying…goes along with the bangs (although mine were in the early 90s…)

7. Are you a good hand-shaker?- i am not sure about that, i like to think i give a good handshake, not to hard/firm but not wimpy, i think they make good first impressions, i am always concerned if the other person has a bad handshake, how do you recover from firmly grasping a mans hand you just met at an interview realizing his hand was clammy and his wrist was weak???

8. Do you have a go-to meal for when you are at a restaurant and you can’t decide?- salad, im crazy like that…

9. Do you have slippers?-kinda

10. Are you easily grossed out?-only one thing, and that one thing took years of working in group homes to overcome only to leave that area of work and become more sensitive over time now if that said thing happens, yes i am easily grossed out (kinda still)

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just some cool clouds…

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