
Archive for February, 2012

so its been a while, but back with a vengeance, or a dull roar, are my answers to the fabulous Chelsea’s “Ten on Tuesday” Questions!!! (i recently saw the muppett movie and just heard kermit in the background…)

1. How do you feel about Groundhog’s Day?- I instantly think of a Bill Murray movie that I never understood…

2. What color are your fingernails right now? (Bonus points if you include a picture.)-Natural, so no picture needed, but I am thinking a bit of polish is in order sooner rather than later, should it be Laser? perhaps very cherry or wavelength? ohh the possibilities…

3. Do you like riddles?- Only if I know the answer. And don’t even get me going on those license plates that have a mixture of letters and numbers. I have never felt so dumb then the time when, for the life of me, I did not understand what “4U2NV” meant…hours of “I don’t get it!!!!”

4. When you were 10, how old did you think “old” was? At your current age, how old do you think “old” is?- when I was ten anyone who was called “grandma” was old. Grandma Fritzen? Old. Grandma Gubanick? Old. Now? 100+ is old and even then its a case by case situation…

5. Do you wish on stars?- ‘makes no difference who you are…’ yes. All the time…

6. Do you recycle?-Not as much as I should. We have a few bins here at the complex, but sometimes it is just easier to throw it all in one bag…bad Jen…

7. On a scale from 1-10, how good of a cook are you?- The boys havent starved yet…Im going with and edible 5…

8. Do you color your hair? Professionally or at home?- I haven’t in over six years. I used to enjoy coloring my hair, but I just stopped. I have recently found grey hairs, grey hairs that are becoming more prominent and I am beginning to think something needs to be done with them. Sure grey hair is distinguished on some, but not on me!

9. One a scale from 1-10, how do you rate your manners?- always respectful of my situation…translation=they can range from burping the alphabet at the table to knowing exactly which fork goes with which course…

10. Who are the last 5 people you have texted?-Mandy, Kristen, Kevin, Mary, and Jenn…

I am thinking its time to submit some questions for the ToT…any suggestions?

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