
Archive for August, 2010

things have finally slowed down a bit, we had a fantastic vacation in an amazing place, finally caught up with work, and we have a few weeks free to just be. instead of my vacation post which i totally want to finish but really want my computer to magically start acepting pictures again i will answer the following ten on tuesday questions brought to us from roots and rings. watch out these are about college and since this is a family blog, the answers will be ‘g’ rated…

1. Where did you go to college?– Siena Heights University in Adrian Michigan (the BIG city in them there parts…)

2. What did you study?– i spent the first two and a half years doing coursework for every. single. major offered, all the while avoiding math classes like the plague. i even thought that my dream of becoming a large animal vet was possible, then i took chemistry, got the first test back with 13% on the top, the only thing not marked wrong, was my name. eventually i declared my major as history and havent looked back…

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?– not really sure what it’s cracked up to be” if that means, being on your own, party’s, great friends, hallway bowling, the r.a nazi, turning off the breakers to entire floors, and building pyramids. then Yes it was all it’s cracked up to be!

4. How far were you from home?– about an hour and a half, i had been known to make it faster and had experienced some delays as well. for example hitting a deer on the only two lane road into Adrian (or the MIDDLE OF NO WHERE!) or dealing with nascar traffic (that could be a whole post on its own)

5. Did you have the same roomate all four years?-NO. my freshman year i think it was some cruel joke that the roomate gods played on me. i think they thought it was funny to put to jennys in the same room. my roomate was jenny weed (i cannot make this up) her aspiration was to be a night manager at taco bell and to finally pay off the leather fringe jacket she had put on lay-away at kmart. sophmore  year i lived with Mags, the bestest ever! junior year we all lived in the same hall and by we i mean my sorority (yet another blog post all its own) and finally senior year, Mags and i rented a house, off campus, that had carpeted walls, a kitchen just wide enough for one person, and a bathroom made out of a closet…

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?– there was no ordering just going to the 24 hour greasy spoon, Fenbys, for french fries and ranch…

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?– neither for many different reasons…

8. Funniest drunk college moment?– um, how about mags and i having a HUGE party and my mom calling. picture this, i am in the back yard, on the opposite side of the house crouched between the wall of the house and a random pop up trailer trying to muffle the sounds of the pi lambs playing strongest man contest with one of the empty kegs. “Honey what is that noise?” “oh mom, that’s the tv…”

9. Did you make it to class on time?-sure…

10. What was your favorite class in college?– all of my history classes with sr. jean and none of my history classes with stinky man. that mans odor still haunts me…

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