
its Ten Again!!

Tuesday here and its the middle of the month. Next week we will be eating turkey with family and friends and passing out in tryptophan induced comas! Thanks to Chelsea for hosting once again…

1. What are your pantry staples?- I like to think I have a stocked pantry, so at any time I can just whip something up with what is the pantry and become a domestic goddess. Truth is we don’t really even have a pantry and what is in there is not a staple by any means. We always seem to have tuna and oatmeal and peanut butter, but domestic goddesses don’t whip up gourmet dishes with those ingredients…

2. What are your refrigerator staples?- milk, three or four gallons a week…

3. You already look like Heidi Klum (or your favorite supermodel). Now, what are the top three non-physical things you would change about yourself?- be less of a procrastinator, be more organized and be a better person…

4. What’s holding you back from your dream job? (If you already have your dream job, how did you get there?)- I have the education I just need the experience… working on that right now…

5. You have $500 to spend but it has to be on one item only. Go.- hum…frivolus? ipad…practical? new brakes…

6. What is something that you are embarrassed to admit you buy on a regular basis?- Britney Spears songs on the ipod…

7. What’s in/on your bed every night?- down comforter and my husband 🙂

8. What is a non-necessity item that, no matter how expensive it gets or how tight your budget if, you will always find room for it?-fancy coffee drinks…

9. What is the weirdest sandwich you’ve ever made?- I used to work at a sandwich shop and the weirdest combination, that I loved, was oatmeal bread, corn beef and ketchup with a little provolone cheese…

10. Would you rather: Be banned from Pinterest forever, but gain a million captive Twitter followers; or, never get on Facebook again but gain five thousand blog readers?- I would rather be banned from Pinterest, that site is just bad for me…

Happy Tuesday!!

The Grand Plan…

We have a tree outside that turns a brilliant yellow every fall. I decided this year that I was going to take a picture of that tree everyday until the last leaf fell. I started then we had a hurricane and a freak snow-storm. This is what I have to show for it…

there is always next year…


healing power…

For my birthday Kevin got me the book “Chosen By A Horse.” I love it. I love everything about the story, the fact it is a memoir, and that it illustrates something I put a lot of stock in.

I am a firm believer in animals being able to heal people. Just like we can heal animals, they can heal us. They teach us to slow down and observe, to really see something or really feel something.

I havent finished the book yet, just a few more chapters. I am at a point that is hard to read, the horse has cancer and the prognosis is bad. But at the same time it is a great part of the story, the horse has overcome so much and so has its caretaker. Which just strengthens my idea that animals can heal people.

I am especially drawn to the story because I see parallels in my own life. Not that a horse has healed me but an animal has. I got Hobbes as a puppy, he was sick and so was I. I nursed him back to health and realized that someone does need me. He has been through so much with me and taught me so much. Now I worry about him, there is a large lump on his side and there are times where he looks at me like he knows there is something wrong.

I will do everything I can do for him, because he has done everything he can do for me…

Happy saturday!


Why can’t all the trees be this pretty?

Holy Random Friday Batman!!

* this week was my birthday, it was low key and great all at the same time.

*on my birthday I got a call from Mags in Michigan. It was the greatest conversation in a long time. Reminded me of how much i miss her and wish that I could meet that little man of hers!

*I would LOVE it if someone could explain to me the acid trip friskies commercials. Not only do they freak me out, I would love to know why they need to have a cartoon “celebrity (puss in boots)” hawking their cat food. At least I think its cat food…not sure really…

*I am desperately trying to find new recipes for me and the boys…

*thank God that this week is almost over. When you hear a huge sigh Saturday at 4:01pm, no worries, that is me being glad that for 24 hours I wont have to do ANYTHING!

Happy Friday!

photographic proof…

or what it looked like after the snow of October 29th…This is why Halloween was cancelled and this was not the worst hit area…

we drove around and took pictures like we have never seen snow before…

I have to admit I am a bit nervous about what else Mother Nature has in store for us this year…


So that state championship we missed for my awesome sisters wedding….they won…

ten on tuesday…

It’s that time again! Ten questions on a Tuesday brought to us by Chelsea!

1. What’s your favorite television show  for each day of the week?- hum, that’s a tough one, what with the magic of dvr and the ability to watch/record/fast-forward live television, I find myself having a hard time remembering what show is on what night. I know for sure there is American Pickers on Mondays and there is the Big Bang Theory on Thursdays, but other than that, I watch whatever whenever…

2. How many times do you wear your jeans before you watch them?- At least twice, I love the snugness of just cleaned jeans that wears away into a comfy fit for the second day of wear…

3. What is your favorite pasta shape?-I have a love/hate relationship with pasta. I mostly hate it, but I have been known to love spaghetti os and meatballs. So perhaps the shape would be “o’s”, but they must have meatballs. I also like some pasta salads, but I prefer the spiral pasta that is tri-colored. Spiral pasta that is not tri-colored does not taste the same, man my parents must have been super patient with me…

4. Do you read newspapers?- I love reading the town paper that comes once a week. Perhaps because it is free, as for the other news papers, only online…

5. Do you sleep in socks?- No. I have a weird need-to-have-my-feet-free thing when I sleep. That means no socks and no flat sheet tucked in. My bestie Mags, from college, used to say the feet sticking out of the blankets were like thermostats, I think she was on to something…

6. Favorite genre of movies?- I am a history nerd, anything history related. I can even get into historical fiction movies, I love the ones that are accurate to a fault!

7. How do you feel about wrestling?- I never understood it. I found myself asking if wrestling was real just like I found myself asking wether or not The Hills was real…

8. Should men pluck their eyebrows?- only to avoid the uni-brow…

9. Do you have dimples?-nope…

10. Do you like to camp?- I used to love going to Girl Scout Camp. We slept in tents and I got to ride horses. It was great. I haven’t been camping in quite some time but I do think it would be something to get into…

i have lost count…

I know I just recently sang my sisters praises…but I have to do it One. More. Time. Because really? How many other people can brag about this…

on her way…

at the finish! I cannot expect her to do anything else but this at the finish line…god I love my sister!!

is Mystic Seaport. I worked there, I have friends there, I got married there. To say its kinda important to me is an understatement.

We have been married for two years, and in that two years Nick has surpassed me in height and strength…this is my favorite picture…we are standing in front of the L.A Duanton and the Charles W. Morgan, both on the the dry dock for work. Work I have followed in detail. I just like that I can share it with the boys…